Ancient time and Kshana samyam

Day 2,446, 04:51 Published in India India by Patanjali
Om bhūr bhuvah svah

Another view about time and time succession:

ksana tat kramayoh samyamat viveka-jam jnanam
By samyama over the moments and their succession, there comes the higher knowledge that is born from discrimination.
Patanjali, Yoga SUtra

History is, generally, about time and deeds that occurs in this dimension of our lives.
Sometimes “time” is hard to endure, because, we say, life is hard and sometimes unjust. In addition, if we read some wise books, at the end life is only a long chain of suffering and pain.

To those we must remind this:
Frodo: "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

About India many have theorized considering either that the subcontinent appeared after a piece of Gondwana (the forest of the Gondav) collapsed with Asia, while others considered that Lemuria was flooded by ocean and so just a part of it remain at the surface.

Then, especially Germans, trying to achieve a glorious past for them, insisted with the Arian theory (them presumed origin – about how much Germans steeled regarding origins, other time). The mighty western civilization that finally came to India and civilized the “poor” humans living in Mohenjo Daro, Harappa and Dholavira.

Interesting part is that today Tamil Nadu speakers stress themselves to demonstrate that from there (south India) really came the civilization, those humans that lived in Lemuria and who, after that sunk (flood) went in the world to found the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, the Americas, Europe, and, in particular, the Indus Valley.

How our friend Vijayakrishna say (talking about what a Nation mean), we must understand that boxes and labels are not natural to humans and must be avoided.

After all those long forgotten facts (history, them too) India got to face another great challenge, the invasion of Europeans that came with the army of Alexander (Iskander) the great and that lead to a Indo Scythian kingdom in north west India.

Therefore, the never-ending struggle between kingdoms in India got, once more, a new sense and dimension. That because to defeat Iskander was not enough for Indian kingdoms, but they have to live with the remains of he’s empire as neighbors.

After that Iranians came to India, after them Mongols, which became Muslims, and where known as Mughal’s. That last named invasion was, probably one of the most bloody military conquest in the human history (only slaves where over 70 millions). That apart of destroying all the University’s form north India.

This lead us, eventually to those two prominent figure of modern India, Bose and Ghandi.
One chose to act, by force and fight to conquest the freedom and liberty of India and Indian nation.
tū shēr-ē-hind āgē baṛ
marnē sē tū kabhī nā daṛ
Ūṛākē dushmanō kā saṛ
jōsh-ē-vatan baṛāē jā

The other chose Anarchy, self-restraint and peaceful protest.

That lead me to the conclusion that the ancient wisdom of Patanjali is already forgotten.

For the eHistory, I invite you to read, again or not, those:

The Immortals of DaKsha

The time of Nagas and Rajas

Ava lok Ishwara

Still waiting the elders to help me writing this eHistory.
Lord Bernin is the only one that show interest in this project, and that make him honour.


Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !

Chalte, Chalte !