Anaros for Rhode Island!

Day 854, 16:41 Published in USA USA by Anaros

My biggest goal as a potential member of Congress is to get stuff done and help the country succeed and run smoothly. I’ll give you a couple high points of my position and then some explanations.

Some things I support:

-Less inhibited market and cheap stuff, (aka. low import tariffs)

-New methods of communications and community (aka. Fancy tech and stuff)

-An efficient and centrally powered government (aka. "Heil mein Führer&quot😉


The less barriers we place the better, in the spirit of free trade(which would benefit all if EDEN would go along with). I'll avoid elaborating extensively as there are already plenty of debates and such on this topic however I agree with One Eye on the majority of points and I like sydiot's reign as Secretary of the Treasury. Collaborations with banks and other financial groups can work well, the federal reserve is in my opinion quite a success. The current tax plan works well. I'm somewhat connected to Dr. Tango, the current Secretary of the Treasury and work closely with AidenAstrup.

Erep is all about the out of game organization and government, without which you cannot run a country in any way and be effective. I'd gladly and thoroughly support Congressional funding for all manners of development of communication tools and things such as what the current dept. of technology is implementing. Making sure that we stay ahead in organization will be 110% critical in the new war module as described by the latest EI and hopefully we can be ready.

Why I'm a S.E.E.S. member:
To put it simply, I'm not in this party because of some cool clique effect or to be part of the biggest group but because I think that the organizational methods that Emerick proposes and we are attempting to carry out are simply awesome. Once again, organization is 100% necessary for a successful country and the method that has been worked out in the party is extraordinary. Hopefully a strong leader will cut down on much of the bureaucratic(democratic if you wish) slow down and allow us to move efficiently while still having opportunities for advancement and new ideas.

I heartily support the fortress strategy and will see to it that it is maintained. When V2 arrives much will change and I plan on keeping an open mind

The Recent EDEN controversy:
I was somewhat adverse to joining EDEN but I now believe we need to stay. Granted, once tempers cool we should take a long hard look at commitments and share some good discussion with all members of EDEN. Quitting now would make us Uk V2 and I really do not want that for us. Please, we are still in EDEN and let us treat them like the allies they are.

A little about myself

I've not previously run for Congress largely because I didn't see a need or a use. That's changed now both with the introduction of my new party and the important stuff the eUS is facing. I'm going to do my best to be serious about my position(not approve Phoenix prominenets of course) and stay an informed and active Congressmen. I'm the COO and a member of the board of directors in t'jelle Bank, the largest bank in eRepublik. I've gotten perspective and fine attention to detail out of that and I feel confident in serving as a Congressman. So, please vote Anaros and S.E.E.S. for March!

Endorsed by AidenAstrup, 12 time senator and manager of t'jelle bank the largest and most successful bank in eRepublik
