An EPIC day

Day 2,435, 01:31 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by Mithrantir

Hello everyone!

Yesterday was one of the most epic wins on the history of erepublik. Cyprus a small countries with 7 MPPs manage to land into Hungary. A really strong country with 20 MPPs.

It was a great day and a huge victory.
That would be impossible without the support and help we got from our allies and friends.

So thank you guys for that historical victory.
However i need to say special thanks to my MU. Spar7ans showed what a true MU is. A powerful team that supported this war and won it. Thank you guys!
Also i need to thank Croatia. From all the allies they were there the most. And of course Arrlo.

Thank you Sirius for the help. Thank you friends! Thank you Myrmidons and G@ma 😉

Lastly i need to say thanks to Hungary as well. You see this day was epic because we won a strong enemy. The battle was great.
No matter the upcoming outcome we showed that small countries can achieve great things.

Hail Spar7ans!!!
Hail Cyprus!!!
Hail friendship!!!

Thank you all once more