An eIndian Platoon trial member experiance

Day 551, 10:03 Published in India USA by Jelly9473

As I am still pretty new to the eWorld this platoon experiance was very interesting and fun. Being able to travel around to fight and gain experiance as well as damage toward a new military rank was a very exciting experiance. Overall I believe that that the idea of eIndia platoons would be a great idea for many reasons.
1. 5 members is definitely easier to contact/communicate with then 50+, you can spread the word quicker and more efficently if there are less people to contact and inform
2. If eIndia is involved in resistance wars like now to free up our lands a platoon can be easily dispatched or financed if the need comes.
3.I learned a lot about the combat cycle during my trial run, I learned how efficient and helpful a weapon can be, just a Q1 weapon doubled my normal damage and the traveling to fight gained me enough experiance to level and to be able to write this article. If many other newer and older eplayers are exposed and informed about the way combat works the eIndian miltitary would be able to grow and players would be able to level much easier than the 2/3 click method.

These are just my reasons to why this platoon method would be very helpful and just a little way for me to get my newspaper its first article of hopefully many.