An All-inclusive eIreland

Day 1,695, 15:51 Published in Ireland Turkey by Ethel Rosenberg

Recently there was an article published here questioning the activity of some of the current cabinet members. I have no issue with this at all and in fact, I welcome it. If I am not doing my job, I would hope someone would take me to task about it!

However, this article went terribly and horribly wrong in that it seemed less like an inquiry about these cabinet members’ work ethics and more about the nationality of these cabinet members – and was there a PTO of eIreland going on.

The author of the article is irrelevant – what is significant is that as of right now 54 comments to the article, and the result of some of the comments caused an eIrish citizen to depart because he felt he was no longer welcome here. As you can see from what Thanatos_The_Magnificient shared with me, which I have permission from ArawnLives to share here:

It is a sad state that eIreland has come to if we are no longer welcoming of citizens from foreign shores. These people are in our MU’s where they fight for eIreland and our allies. In addition, beyond that, they bring fun and a new perspective to this game that we all play together. We should be encouraging the immigration of worthy citizens, not discouraging it!

I am just going to tell you, ArawnLives was an active congress member, he is an active member of the ICA, he was helping with supplies in #IrishArmy, and he is someone whose citizenship benefitted eIreland. Now, eIndia will gain the benefit that we have lost.

Perhaps we all need to be more accepting of people, no matter what their differences are, after all remember that eIndia had Yddub as a citizen for a brief stint… the least we can do is return the favor!

I would love it if ArawnLives came back to eIreland…if we are going to send something away – pack up Bigotry and send that off instead.