American Taxes: Are they as horrific as the AFA says they are?

Day 1,924, 14:01 Published in USA Serbia by Thomas Wessel

Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

This will be a long article about American Taxes compared to other countries in the world. I will discover the truth and find out whether the AFA are lying or telling the truth that the American Taxes are horrific.

I want to remind you, DON'T trust the AFA under any circumstances! You newbies might ask who should I trust? A good and patriotic party is here for you: The Federals

Simply just join the party and join their forums!

Read my previous article for more information about the AFA + other political parties and why the AFA shouldn't be trusted here: 1st Article

So, lets get right on task shall we?

American Taxes:

All income taxes are at 25%
All import taxes are at 1%

VAT for food and weapons are at 5%
VAT for Moving Tickets are at 10%
VAT for Hospital and Defence System are at 1%

Income tax might be a little bit high, but the import tax is really low which evens it all out. VAT for different items are low starting at 1% and the highest at 10%.

Colombian Taxes:

All income taxes are at 10%
Most import taxes are at a horrific high price at 99%. Moving Tickets and Hospital are only 1% though.

VAT for food and weapons are at 10%
VAT for Moving Tickets are at 1%
VAT for Hospital are at 1% and Defence System 0%

To start off, the income taxes are at a fairly low percentage, which is acceptable since there are a lot of people that have Colombian citizenship, which evens it out. The import taxes however are shocking. At 99% for most items, it seems like they discourage people to import stuff. The VAT for food and weapons are 5% higher than the USA which I think is wrong, since Colombia has more citizens and moving tickets are only at 1%. From the looks of it, they try to encourage people to leave their country.

Spain Taxes:

All income taxes are at 16%
Import taxes varies all the way from 1% all the way up to 20%

VAT for food is quite high at 17% and weapons quite low at 4%
VAT for Moving tickets are at 3%
VAT for Hospital and Defence System are at 1%

Income taxes are at a fair level, comparing with the amount of citizens in Spain. Import taxes however varies from 1% to 20% so its hard to explain much about that. VAT for food is higher than average and weapons lower than average. Moving tickets are at a seemingly low VAT. Hospital and Defence System around average.

Serbian Taxes:

All income taxes are at 12% which is seemingly low for a country like Serbia. (In my mind it should be around 14-15%. You might think that 12% and 15% [3% differnce] doesnt make that much of a difference, but if you count all the thousands of people, its a lot of money)
Import taxes for food and weapons are at 5% and 2%, seemingly low, but wait for it, it will get higher. 31% for moving tickets and a whopping 99% for both Food Raw Materials and Weapon Raw Materials. Hospital and Defence System are at 1% as usual.

VAT for food and weapons are at 14% and 3%
VAT for Moving tickets are at 10%
VAT for Hospital and Defence System are 1% as usual.

In my mind, Serbia could rather raise their income tax and lower their import tax. Other than that its quite usual. Its a little bit similar to the USA.

Polish Taxes:

Income Taxes are at 15% (Not Bad)
Import Taxes are at OMG... 99% for everything excluding Hospital and Defence System (Quite high eh?)

VAT for Food and Weapons are 15% and 2% (Quite High for food and low for Weapons)
VAT for Moving Tickets are at 25%
VAT for Hospital and Defence Systems are at 1% (The same as almost all countries)

Well, it all started of good with only a 15% Income Tax, but I suddenly noticed how high their Import taxes are. Everything is at 99% (excluding Hospital and Defence System). VAT for food is quite high, Weapons really low. VAT for Moving tickets are high.

I think I will stop here. If I add more countries, the list will just keep going and going and no one will ever read everything lol 😛

After having a look at all the other countries taxes, I think our taxes are around average or maybe for someone a little bit under the average. Comparing us to some countries such as Colombia and Poland, we have quite good taxes dont we? 🙂

So a nice little hint for everyone reading this article.

Dont Believe everything you read.

In Politics, many politicians lie about certain stuff. You can never be sure about what they are saying is true or not. This is the same for every single politic group out there. I am not only talking about the AFA, but everyone.

Do some research, try to find out if the stuff they wrote is true or not. If not, do a good deed and write an article about it and prove them wrong.

PS: The VAT for Hospitals and Defense System for most countries are at 1%, due to being used by the government. They are used in important battles and such things. Thanks to Jetsmets for reminding me 🙂

Anyways, sorry for a looooong article guys 🙂 Hope it was worth it and that you took your time to read through everything. Keep in mind that taxes changes all the time and that by the time you read this it might not be the same as what is written down here.

Please V+S and remember to comment what you think about American Taxes! I will respond ASAP and discuss things with you if you want to! 🙂

Thomas Wessel