All Eyes On Germany

Day 551, 22:35 Published in Greece Greece by Constantine Sophotatos
Berlin Falls

Reichstag in Ruins

Polish forces finally captured the city of Berlin yesterday after a viscous artillery barrage and hours of carpet bombing. The attack on the city came without warning and most of the eGerman residents were caught in the devastation. So devastating was the bombing that only 200 people are confirmed as having survived the attack. International aid organizations such as Meals-On-Wheals and the Red Cross have not been allowed into the Polish Zone of occupation, and rumors are circulating that oppression and cruelty by the victorious Poles is the reason.

Refugees Flood South

What remains of Germany's only Q5 hospital, so intelligently positioned along the Swedish border

Now with only one hospital (Q4) in all of Germany, the soldiers and civilians are flocking south to Munich in the hopes of finding safety, shelter, and medical treatment. With Swedes and Poles approaching from all sides, Germany is looking at another period of occupation.

German Industrial Heartland Crippled

Powerhouses of industry along the Rhine are laid waste by the Swedish bombing

With the destruction of so many factories in the Rhur Valley, the Bundeswehr has begun appealing to foreign nations for military aid, specifically weapons. While civilian aid organizations can't reach the occupied zones, a black market of weapons is thriving in all regions of Germany as the German military and civilian populations arm themselves for combat and stockpile weapons for guerrilla actions against the Swedes and Poles.

Worker Strike in Sweden

The Swedish workforce does its part in the war effort by going on strike

Claiming a 50% reduction in wages while also dealing with rising prices and an unpopular war, Swedish workers declared a general strike today. They were joined by a cadre of socialists and communist who joined in the festivities by going on a hunger strike. You can't make this stuff up folks.

We will continue to watch the developments in Germany and Sweden and bring to you latest news probably the day after it happens.