Day 719, 16:36 Published in USA China by Darth Kane

Akrites is a closed membership group that has been founded and is mainly active in eGreece region. A small mentoring team has turned it self in a medium sized economic entity. Its main causes are progress and political stability, as well as economic independency, and the philosophy of the group is that progress and evolution comes from Unity, Justice and Coordination. Akrites is organized in developing at least in three aspects of The New World, mentoring, economy and military. Also Akrites are executing researches in order to enhance the development of the three (mentoring, economy, military)

Akrites’ first form was mentoring. We accepted new players and guided them how to develop themselves, become healthy and why not strong citizens, providing them tips, instructions and support. We continue to accept new members and help them with joy.

There are many companies that are under Akrites ownership. The positions are covered mainly by Akrites members, but there are many employees that are not Akrites. Akrites cover a range of raw materials, such as wood, grain and iron and products such as food and weapons. Below there is a list of such companies.
Wood Q3
Iron Q4
Grain Q3
Weapons Q1
Weapons Q1
Food Q2

Akrites help the military training of its members, providing the right food and weapons, after personal calculations. We organize the attacks always in favour of eGreece and EDEN in extension. Last, we have the Active Citizen Protection Special Corp, recognized by eGreek Government.