Actions and reactions.

Day 1,661, 03:26 Published in Romania Romania by Real Vasi

Erepublik e un simplu joc, si totusi are un impact profund asupra jucatorilor, carora le provoaca reactii si sentimente diferite si puternice.
Cateodata te face trist, cateodata fericit.
Erepublik, although it is just a game, it has a deep effect on players, triggering different and strong reactions and feelings in them.
Sometimes it makes you sad, sometimes it makes you happy.

Te poate face sa razi.
It can make you laugh.

Te poate face sa plangi.
It can make you cry.

Te poate face mandru.
It can make you proud.

Te poate dezamagi.
It can make you feel dissapointed.

Te poate face sa te indragostesti.
It can make you fall in love.

Te poate face disperat.
It can make you desperate.

Te poate face razbunator.
It can make you vengeful.

Te poate face paranoic.
It can make you paranoic.

Te poate face curajos.
It can make you brave.

Te poate face confuz.
It can make you confused.

Te poate face sa te simti periculos.
It can make you feel dangerous.

Te poate face infricosator.
It can make you scary.

Te poate face curios.
It can make you feel curious.

Te poate face constient.
It can make you aware.

Te poate face obosit.
It can make you tired.

Te poate face bolnav.
It can make you ill.

Te poate face sa crezi.
It can make you believe.

Te poate face sa te simti destept.
It can make you feel smart.

Te poate face sa te simti prost.
It can make you feel stupid.

Te poate face sa profiti de bunatatea altora.
It can make you take advantage of peoples kindness.

Te poate face sa te simti atotputernic.
It can make you feel all powerful.

In ce categorie crezi ca te afli?
In what category do you think you are?

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