A Sad Day For Freedom Of The Press

Day 736, 20:33 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

Citizens of eCanada, it is a sad day for the Press.

I have been advised that the articles written under the banner of the Grand Lodge Of Canada, and it's news outlet, "The Ashlar's", have been deleted by the administrators of eRep.

It was decided that the articles were spam and were reported as abusive by some of the citizen's of eCanada. I am speechless and my heart has sunk.

In reading the articles, there was nothing about them that was spam related. The articles only served to help shed light on an ancient fraternity and help those who did not fully understand Freemasonry. The articles contained basic information that was aimed at a wide audience and served to educate and dispel myths.

Sadly, they were treated as spam and some citizens felt they were abusive. I am at a loss as to understand how anyone could have found the articles abusive. They did not slander, anyone. They were not racist, sexist, or anything of the like. They contained no abusive or foul language. They did not alienate or incite civil unrest. In short, they were strictly educational and could have been found in any sort of commonplace educational magazine.

My heart has sunk because I believe that the decision to ban these articles and any future articles is a direct violation of the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech. They violate the sacred nature of the freedom of the press. In essence, The Grand Lodge Of Canada is being forced to submit to a gag order because it attempted to educate in the kindest and most gentle manner possible.

To those who reported the articles as abusive, I wish I could understand your motivations and your logic. You could have asked the Grand Lodge or myself, or any other openly visible Mason about the nature of the articles. We would have gladly helped you with your questions. Instead, this feels like some sort of vindictive witch hunt and I fail to understand why it had to occur.

For now, you have your wish. The Grand Lodge is banned from posting articles on Masonry. I now however, appeal to our government for guidance on how these violations of basic charter rights can be appealed. Guidance is needed and I am hoping that those with an open mind in government can help us with what we need to do next.

All of this occurs just as the Grand Charity announces that it is almost full up on donations from citizens of my fine country.

Indeed my eCanadian family, this is a sad day. As our charitable arm grows and extends to shelter those who need it most, some choose to cut off the legs of the organization from which it is grounded.

I only wish I could understand.

Yours In National Unity,

Acacia Mason