A new foreign policy for Ireland

Day 1,734, 04:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Big Sexy Black Man

Hello everybody,
firstly RIP legend ;_; goodnight sweet prince.

Now on to business, on the run of three boring presidential terms during which nobody has had any creative initiative nor have they had the balls to impose anything fun I would like to voice my own opinion on a foreign policy that will introduce some life back into the community.

I propose we abstain from our EDEN membership, no disrespect to the alliance but I feel we’ve run our course with it. With exception to Croatia we do not possess any real friendships with any other member states. With let our EDEN MPPs expire and only renew the Croatian one.

Next I’d propose we’d reignite this flirty relationship and MPP Bulgaria, next to Croatia the Bulgarians are people we’d regard as friends even if the EDEN alliances dismisses them . In the event that a war between the Croats and Bulgarians we’d just chill out and stay neutral.

Lastly I’d like us to do something really naughty and MPP the UK (inb4 labelled a traitor by people who fought against Croatia). Why not? We’re friendlier with the UK than we are with our other two borders, why not propose it and see where it goes? The USA didn’t give us a second thought when they were off trying to sneakily open a new alliance with members of ONE and we’ve been on a rocky relationship with Canada for a while now. So why not give this a shot?

I do realise our MPP stack would look a little distorted and odd with: Bul-Cro-UK but, bar the UK, those are nations we’d genuinely want to help, right?

But that’s not all, seen as how all the wars we’re fighting in are dull and our only interest in them is completing our DO to acquire a free bazooka and bar, why not think outside the box and look at what’s going on around the eWorld? Maybe MPP a little South American country battling it out against a titan? Or turn to the Pacific or Asia and look for an underdog there to aid? I can see us taking a bigger interest in that than fighting for Portugal or Greece or whatever other EDEN ally that we can barely fake an interest in.

We’re a boring country guys, the last week was good banter with all the arguments but you know you’re in a desperate way when people have to dig up muck from 2 years ago to start a fight. Poor show guys, this is just my opinion I’m sure nobody will really have the guts to invest in it.

Dan “The Man” Breen