Day 2,077, 10:50 Published in USA USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA

Dear eCypriots and eKekes

I won't take you for so long, just need to explain that the only way of salvation is to create a new generation in Cyprus.

As you know, the total number of Cyprus population is equal to iaberis' age. So we are in a deep sheet.
You all must work to fix this problem. There are several real eCypriots playing this game, and if they work together, maybe we can wake up in a dawn of the babyboom.

From today, there will be one last Inciboom through the official portal of our community.
Things have been changed for a long time, due to the Taksim'2013 Uprising/Riot, many websites are under police observation in Turkey, and Inci has lost many members.
So, this time we can fail to bring newbies but rl Cypriots who play this game should cooperate and try to bring real Cypriots into the community.

Babies are the only salvation way of Cyprus.

Cyprus is the only country in this game brings Brotherhood regardless of it's citizens' ethnicity, race, religion/unbelief, age, social statue etc.

Keep the community that we built by our own hands, don't let it to fall down.
