A little TOO quiet...

Day 3,175, 18:47 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

When one is a returning player, one must be careful not to disrupt the game in progress. One must first get a lay of the land.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the lay of the land is that everything is awesome, right? We have free elections. We have 2 really good candidates for CP, both steady hands who have great ideas to grow this society. We fear for nothing. We want for nothing.

That’s a good thing! It’s what I always dreamed would happen in this game!

Fed Party Master Plan:

Step 1. Feds get swole
Step 2. Feds get power
Step 3. Yadda yadda yadda
Step 4. World peace

I thought the list ended there. I hadn’t considered…

Step 5. Bored people start getting weird
Step 6. Someone opens the gates of hell as a joke
Step 7. We invite known terrorists into the country
Step 8. Yadda yadda yadda
Step 9. A demon with a thousand wee-wees fudges us forever

While that certainly does make things interesting, it doesn’t have to be like that. We could find a real enemy rather than accidentally inviting one into our home like some idiot teenager in a horror movie. We could use all of this unity and beat the dog crap out of some other country. Or take over another country. Or countries. Or everything.

I am also quickly realizing that I don’t know how to be a peacetime player. That’s probably why all the really good peacemaking and community building happened when I wasn’t here. That's just not what I do. I’m all about righteous indignation… or just regular indignation. I have this fancy white hat. I hunt down black hats. That’s the part of the game I love.

I don’t know how to just hang out in this game.

I also don’t see the point of it.

SOOOO… FG seeking like-minded partner or partners to hatch plot. No trolls or scrubs. Comment if interested, or PM me.