
Day 1,758, 08:10 Published in USA USA by DiabloGunner

Ok my title makes no sense... 😛 you will see at the end 😉

Now the real point of this article is that I am running for the PP of the Conservative Peoples Party once again.

My plans are to add more programs to the already good ones we have... I have no idea what they will be or anything, I want every active person in the party who wants to help to help.

I am also thinking about training newbies that are active and who want to move up in politics about the erepublik politics and how to be a successful politician. (I have no idea if this will go anywhere or not though)

Of course the biggest racket of any party is recruiting if a party doesn't admit that.. they are a failure.

Ok now with the cabinet.

The VP is Beachbunny http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/6283553
She has served 2 terms already and is the best VP possible, her advice is solid and reliable, and of course she is my best friend and ewife.

The Recruiting Director will be TorrinTheGreat http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/6264558
He is the current Party President, the VP of the USA, and a good friend of mine.

The Assistant Recruiting Director is John William Connor http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5882994
He is the current Recruiting Director and has done a very good job so far!!

The Party Ambassador Ludin281 http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5829943
He is a new member to our party but has been a active member and has very helpful.

Now I don't have anyone else chosen for some positions I have left... But just pm me and tell me if you have a interest in being a cabinet member and what your interest area is.

4U Conservative Peoples Party I am at your service!