3 Votes

Day 747, 14:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Pearlshire

Dear readers,

When they say that every vote counts, this is the perfect example. If only 2 people
thought differently (or accidentally clicked the wrong person 😮) we would have a different PM. So I congratulate the people for having such a high turnout voting yesterday, and I congratulate Mr Woldy and Craig Rossiter for making it happen. I also congratulate Mr Woldy for his 4th term (clearly a sign of one of the eUK's greatest leaders). In conclusion we will end the year with the rise of PHOENIX from the ashes of PEACE, and hopefully some territories added to the eUK, beginning a new year with a prosperous eUK. I do not know what to expect, but I have high expectations for the eUK this month, mainly because we have a great leader to end the year with. Hopefully this month, the eUK will continue to grow and the conflict between the left and right in the eUK will die out. It would be a shame if the eUK continued to struggle amongst ourselves because of left vs right, and hopefully it will not carry on into next year. Let's begin the new year with a stronger eUnited Kingdom.

Don't forget to vote and subscribe

Jake Pearlshire