[WRP] Reaching our Roots - Stronger Foundation!

Day 2,728, 09:46 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alexander Atem

In this Artice; I am promoting my Candidacy for Party President in the upcoming elections.

When I think of the Workers' Right Party: I think of the principles that were used when first established. And when I saw these ideals in the community, I knew that it was my new home when I became active once again. I joined WRP, because of the Respect that it had for the community in the UK. I joined WRP for its Fairness and Equality. I joined because I wanted to create an more effective support to the citizens of the United Kingdom. In retrospect I know I made the right choice.

This party was founded on these ideals. And sometimes we have to go back to our roots, to see what we have forgotten or simply look back to inspire us, to motivate us, to look forward and continue onward in the New World. WRP was founded on:

-Government Aid to Citizens
-Fairness & Equality
-Lowered Taxes (When not Invaded or Increasing Reserves)
-Internal-Party Support to its Members

Over time and countless months with huge amounts of work and effort, the Workers' Right Party has established itself from the small Organization that it was, to what it has become now: A Top 5 Political Party. It now achieves more than what it has in the past. Including:

-Constant Communication
-An Affiliated-MU that responds to Government Operations
-Party-Affiliated Care Package Supplies
-Increasing Membership due to Recruitment & Retention
-Voice Opinions from the Members of WRP
-A Unified Community which stands for what they believe in

This is why I want to take the time and effort, to lead the Workers' Right Party back to the roots in which it was founded. Back to where our origins came. So I will once again Officially put forward my candidacy for being your Party President in the upcoming term. I ask for you support, and together we can lead the Workers' Right Party to its Core-Beliefs, creating a stronger approach in the Political aspect in the UK.

Please bear with me, and stay tuned for the upcoming article, where I will explain how to achieve the Agenda that I've created for our success.

Signing out for now,