[Wook4CP] This time I mean business...

Day 2,101, 15:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

Throwing my hat in the ring and all that jazz

The CP elections are quickly creeping up on us again and I thought it was about time I officially announced the fact that I shall be running for Prime Minister once again.

This time though it’s different. I’m different. The eUK is different.

Oh yes...it’s a whole new kettle of fish we’re dealing with here you lovely voters, you!

Is it time for tea?

Last time I ran, I did relatively well. I secured almost 10% of the vote, which for a new kid on the block, isn’t half shabby.

However this time I’m aiming for more. This time I want to take this election by storm!

Thunderbolt and lightning...very, very frightening…..ME!

If you’ve read one of my articles before you know what to expect from me. I’m here for the fun! I’m also here because I love being an eUK citizen.

People may say “The eUK is in turmoil...there’s political fisticuffs happening left, right and centre. There are trolls behind every curtain and the air is rife with bile and spite.”

An eUK troll, hard at work...

Rubbish, I say!!

The eUK just needs to take things less seriously and to focus on enjoying this game.

Let’s tank together, troll together, have strange sexual encounters together. Why not? Apart from the chance of picking up some incredibly bizarre STDs from certain figures in this game I suppose.

But enough of that. I’ve rambled on far too much for this article, Wayne’ll get upset.

All you’ve got to remember when the election pops up on the 5th is to vote for WookieO.

Vote WookieO otherwise a giant version of me might appear…

I really am the only sensible choice.

Thank you.

