[WHC] April dividend schedule and business plan

Day 865, 10:13 Published in USA USA by White Horse Consulting
White Horse Consulting is listed on ERX under WHC ticker. WHC became one of the most popular shares in a short time. Hereby, we announce our dividend schedule and business plan for April.

Company information.

WHC dividend schedule for April

WHC will pay 0,001 Gold per share divided to its shareholders in every third day in April, starting at 4th of April. The holding will also pay special dividends of 0,001 - 0,003 Gold in three ten day period according to the performance of the companies.

Date | Gold / Share owned | Note

4/4/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/7/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/10/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/13/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/4/2010 - 4/13/2010 - 0.001 - 0.003 - Special dividend
4/16/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/19/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/22/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/13/2010 - 22/4/2010 - 0.001 - 0.003 - Special dividend
4/25/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/28/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
5/1/2010 - 0.001 - Regular dividend
4/2010 - 1/5/2010 - 0.001 - 0.003 - Special dividend

Regular dividend - Paid regularly at the given date
Special dividend - Paid randomly once during the given interval according to the performace of the holding

WHC business plan for April

WHC currently owns 7 Q5 Food companies in 7 different countries, which are the most profitable enterprises of the New World. Thus, WHC in April plans to open at least two more Q5 Food companies in top 10 countries according to the population number.

The raising price of Grain makes reasonable to extend our prescence in Grain industry to supply the Food companies. Because of this, WHC plans to open one or two Grain companies.

To diversify our business exposure, WHC plans to open at least one more Diamond company in Australia or Canada to reach the EDEN markets also.

As an optional possibility, if the company profit makes it possible, we would like to strenghen our position in the Housing industry either.

Besides, WHC plans several minor upgrades, like buying additional trading licenses and open more q3 moving ticket companies in large countries to get prepared for V2.

Other news

WHC is listed on McAdden index.

Happy trading, best regards,

WHC management