Day 1,763, 20:03 Published in Canada Canada by Mary Chan

For those of you who don't know, TCB = taking care of business.


I haven't resigned yet, nor do I intend to resign anytime soon. Instead, I'm awfully and stubbornly loyal and feel I have a responsibility so I'm taking care of business, keeping this going.

Cabinet update: ElPatoDiablo has resigned from his position of Minister of Information, as well as tikiki18 from his position of Minister of Internal Affairs due to rl. I wish you both the best, especially tikiki18 for his rl endeavours.

Congress, you have a ton of power in votes, but I'll remind you guys to vote wisely, question appropriately and discuss productively.
I've already addressed some concerns such as updates on MPPs and NEs in CDC. Shoi-kun is still fulfilling his duties as MoFA and I will be acting as a liaison between the Execs and Congress to keep current updates on Foreign Affairs.
As for the other items in ODC, there's not much concerning the Exec, but I'm displeased at the lack of debates, discussions and even the votes. We have acquired 14 votes for MU transfer over the course of 45 hours, 13 votes in 35 hours to reach quorum compared to the 25+ in game votes within a 24 hour time period.

And now, what the public may or may not have been waiting for and/or expecting:

Wally Cleaver, you're a butthole for dragging me into this. Out of everyone else that put me in their cabinets for this term, you're the one that knew me best. Even before the troll theft, you have left the state hanging on its own confused wits. You know better than that, and you should have known that I don't take commitments lightly. On Saturday night, I have contemplated on the best way to physically beat you in another meet up. Not enough to kill you, of course, nor even enough to make you bleed, but it should be satisfying enough if you walk away with a bruise or two. Praise God that I was convicted the Sunday morning after during church service, I will not be beating you. Though, I still have thoughts about hitting you and some other members of the community with a thick stick. Violence is often not an effective answer in a civilized society, but gosh, it can be gratifying at the very least for a swift release of many frustrations. If I do end up punching you, don't worry, if you recall I'm very thin with no muscles.

As for Impeachment talks, I'd rather not impeach Wally and let Tyrael Snow inherit this mess. It's not fair for him, nor a good time. Tyrael got back to me last night and frankly, karma did not favour him the last couple of weeks.

To the other members and former members of the eCanadian community:

I'm on damage control.
If you're an eager citizen with ideas, I'll hear them. Go spam my inbox with something productive.
[Edit: Don't know where to start on your thoughts/ideas? Venoms put together a poll concerning alliances. Please excuse the party propaganda.]


Mary Chan
Vice President of eCanada
September 2012