外電:[Ukraine] Statement about recent events(烏克蘭近況聲明)

Day 2,100, 10:40 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Greece by flaphor blogger




None can truly speak in the name of whole nation. It takes some time to deserve that right, some efforts to gain it, but support of silent witnesses (read bots) doesn’t give anyone that right. You, as elected one, still serve to the living people. If few can simultaneously proceed with PTO - it ruins healthy relation inside a country. You can see it for yourself - national shield contest brought cool shields to smaller countries, so since Ukraine can’t be equal to giants like Hungary/ Poland/ USA/ Bulgaria, our shield of quality 2 proves the fact of bots overflow. Methods our government is using doesn't strengthen our country, yet these methods serve their political interests.

During past year, each “Ukrainian” cp (faceless, yet) thought of himself he’s the chosen one but usually such words poorly matched their actions - no support, no power, no respect neither in Ukraine nor on the international level. Now another one claims that we betrayed national interests what is just ridiculous - how little he knows about his country’s interests and people.

Actions that are taking place in Ukraine aren’t declaration of civil war or betrayal - it’s a mighty attempt to make something decent from our society. We lived with zombie liars during past year, facing too much crap from despicable attempts of all the governments to do something right, and many good people left game disappointed.

We took in RW to show that “Ukrainian” government has no power over living people (not bots). The agreement between Ukraine and Hungary has expired by then. “Ukrainian” cp signed new one, but still didn’t take in account people’s will or interest, moreover he doesn’t want to keep it. So is next. It’s hard to predict the future, but wise people can always find a way to keep their interest satisfied.

I am appealing to your sense of responsibility or even interest. Work for or with Ukraine must be cool, not only profitable. We already lost too much inside country and do accept responsibility for our actions.

Viva la Revolution!
People of eUkraine