Day 728, 04:27 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Dear colonists,

Today, you invested a significant amount of currency, and gold into our markets. Not only that, you spent quite a bit of time doing it, and even longer bragging about it

I could ask why you are wasting your time when our currency is stable.

I could ask why you are wasting your Gold, when you owe thousands to your citizens.

I could ask how you think spending an hour on this, when it takes 1 offer to undo, would affect anything.

I could ask who Bradley Real is, or whatever hes called, and what hes actually done?

But I won't.

Instead, I'd like to thank you. Our MM was getting quite saturated; there was a fair bit of GBP on there, and this was beginning to worry me. However, thanks to you this has now been solved completely, and for a significant profit for us: meaning a definite loss for you.

So thanks, America. You've shown us how to approach a new module full of the unknown, when you owe thousands of gold, are in the middle of a bitter battle between the people you used to call allies, and when you are without friends.

Thanks for the profit, but more importantly, thanks for showing us how great you are.

An impressed Redcoat
