[The] Debut

Day 1,189, 21:12 Published in Canada Canada by Mary Chan

It is almost 1 month after my second year in this world and starting a paper is long overdue. It was never the gold that hindered me-- I always had enough-- nor was it my wonderful friends in the CAF who kindly published my works*. Instead, it was my own lack of a need, a drive, and a belief that writing regularly, or writing even, is too time consuming for me. And as I'm writing this, I still think it is time consuming, but I can't stop.

Like a piece of music, I'm not completely satisfied with it until the last chord is struck and the sound resonates to leave a final impression that says "this is the end"- la fin.

To get to the end, like any art (whether it be visual, music, drama, or literature), it is a journey for me to explore. To start, it begins with an idea. Ideas come and go, but those that lingers long enough, stays to germinate with time, care and setbacks that may destroy it for a chance of being rebuilt with a stronger foundation. Knowing this, I can't rush my writing process involving at least a couple revisions and drafts.

For this paper to be called my own, it requires my thoughts, my time, and my efforts. I know most of the time I may put into writing may seem unnecessary, but for me, it is a requirement. I cannot call it my own without surrendering myself to create a masterpiece I love and enjoy. In a way, my writing reflects who I am. These are my thoughts, and perhaps even a part of my soul, being expressed.

From me to you, this is through my eyes.

-Mary Chan


*Thank you Chucky Norris. I hope you're enjoying your Medial Mogul I helped you get! ;P Jk, I know you would've gotten it even without my article