Day 2,345, 00:24 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by lazarosaMKD
вторник, 22 април 2014
статија бр. 142

Search the Forest 1/4: Tracking

Description: You need to catch the Evil Bunny before you can beat him. So today's daily task is: learn to track wild animals.

Conditions: Get the reward for completing the Daily Tasks
Задача: Сработи и истренирај.

Energy Bar: 2

Награда: 2 чоколади

Search the Forest 2/4: Lost

Description: Your tracking skills got you lost in the middle of the Evil Forest, with no way to contact anyone. Maybe you can use a Rocket as a signaling flare.

Conditions: Build 1 Rocket
Задача: Изгради 1 ракета

Rocket: 2

Награда: 2 ракети

Search the Forest 3/4: Friends in Need

Description: The rocket is up in the air but you need a couple of friends to come and pick you up.

Conditions: Invite 2 friends and help them reach level 20 OR Defeat 100 enemies, Fight in 3 different campaigns
Задача: Покани 2 пријатели и помогни им да достигнат левел 20 ИЛИ порази 100 противници, бори се во 3 различни кампањи

Rewards: Damage Booster: 8 hrs
Награда: Бустер со времетраење од 8 саати

Search the Forest 4/4: Race

Description: You're back on the right track, chasing the Evil Bunny. It's not going to be an easy race.

Conditions: Recover 6000 Energy in 1 day
Задача: Искористи 6000 енергија во 1 ереп ден

Strength: 60

Награда: 60 сила

Beat the Henchmen 1/4: Rabbit Masks

Description: You are faced by a group of dangerous looking men, except for the weird bunny masks. It's the Evil Bunny's Henchmen!

Conditions: Complete Daily Order
Задача: Изврши DO (Daily Order / Дневна Заповед)

Energy Bar: 2

Награда: 2 чоколади

Beat the Henchmen 2/4: Fight or Run

Description: 100 more Henchmen surround you. You can run, or face them like a true fighter.

Conditions: Complete Daily Tasks for 2 days OR Defeat 100 enemies in one day
Задача: 2 дена извршувај работа/тренинг ИЛИ порази 100 непријатели во 1 ереп ден

Energy Bar: 4

Награда: 4 чоколади

Beat the Henchmen 3/4: Five Hideaways

Description: There's five hideaways scattered through the Evil Forest, you may find the bunny there.

Conditions: Fight in 5 different resistance wars and defeat 25 enemies in each.
Задача: Бори се во 5 различни востанија и порази по 25 противници во секое востание.

Strength: 40

Награда:40 сила

Beat the Henchmen 4/4: Interrogation

Description: You didn't find the bunny, but his henchmen might know where he is. Expect them to resist your interrogation.

Conditions: Defeat 300 opponents, Fight in 5 different resistance wars.
Задача: Порази 300 противници, бори се во 5 различни востанија

Energy Bar: 5

Rocket: 2

Награда: 5 чоколади и 2 ракети

Build a Trap 1/4: Heavy Lifting

Description: The Evil Bunny is pretty big, so you need a big trap and a lot of Strength to build it.

Conditions: Increase your Strength with 10 points
Задача: Зголемија силата за 10 поени

Energy Bar: 1
Награда: 1 чоколада

Build a Trap 2/4: Train More

Description: A lot of Strength means more than 10 points, so keep training.
target: increase strenght by 90

Rewards: 3 Bazooka Booster
Награда:3 базука бустери

Build a Trap 3/4: Prisoners of War

Description: You need a big team to set up the trap. Take some of the henchmen as prisoners to work for you!

Conditions: Defeat 50 enemies every day for 3 days OR Defeat 300 enemies
Задача: 3 дена "убивај" по 50 непријатели секој ден ИЛИ порази 300 непријатели

Rewards: Damage Booster: 8 hrs
Награда: Бустер од 8 саати

Build a Trap 4/4: Bait

Description: The only missing part of the trap is a large quantity of bait. Defeat 400 enemies to gain the needed carrots.

Conditions: Defeat 400 enemies in 1 day
Задача: Порази 400 противници во 1 ереп ден

Rocket: 2

Награда: 2 ракети

The Magic ingredient

Description: You need a magic ingredient, to even have a chance at defeating the evil bunny.

Conditions: Get the poisoned carrot. Reach the required (10 000) Prestige Points to receive the Poisoned Carrot.
Задача: Земи/Освои го "затруениот морков". Достигни ги потребните 10 000 престиж поени.

BH Rocket: 5
Energy Bars: 25

Награда: 5 БХ ракети и 25 чоколади

Beat the bunny

Description: The Evil Bunny is immune to weapons, even q7, but you have the Poisoned Carrot. Defeat the rabbit and the remains of his army.

1. Kill the Evil Bunny
2. Win a BH medal

1. Убиј го "лошиот зајак"
2. Освој БХ медал

1. 200 energy center for 15 days
2. BH rocket: 2 pieces

1. Магацин за здравје со времетраење од 15 денови
2. 2 БХ ракети

New rewards of the Weekly Challenge
Награди за најновиот неделен турнир

Divisions 1 & 2:
Дивизија 1 и 2

- 100 Prestige Points -> +50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 200 Prestige Points -> 5 Strength
- 300 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 400 Prestige Points -> 5 Strength
- 500 Prestige Points -> +10 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the the last day of the Weekly Challenge
- 600 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 700 Prestige Points -> 1 000 Storage
- 800 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 900 Prestige Points -> 2 000 Storage
- 1 000 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 1 200 Prestige Points -> +100 Energy Center for 7 days
- 1 400 Prestige Points -> 10 Energy Bars
- 1 600 Prestige Points -> 2 Small Bombs
- 1 800 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 2 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 5 Moving Tickets
- 2 250 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 2 500 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 3 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 3 500 Prestige Points -> 5 Energy Bars
- 4 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 4 500 Prestige Points -> 15 Energy Bars
- 5 000 Prestige Points -> 6 Small Bombs
- 6 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 7 000 Prestige Points -> 6 Small Bombs
- 8 000 Prestige Points -> 15 Energy Bars
- 9 000 Prestige Points -> 7 Small Bombs
- 10 000 Prestige Points -> 1 Poisoned Carrot
- 11 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 12 000 Prestige Points -> 7 Small Bombs
- 13 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- 14 000 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 15 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- 16 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- For every 1 000 more Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars

Division 3:
Дивизија 3

- 100 Prestige Points -> +50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 200 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 1 Moving Tickets
- 300 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 400 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 500 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 600 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 700 Prestige Points -> +10 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the the last day of the Weekly Challenge
- 800 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 2 Moving Tickets
- 900 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 1 000 Prestige Points -> 1 000 Storage
- 1 200 Prestige Points -> +100 Energy Center for 7 days
- 1 400 Prestige Points -> 5 Energy Bars
- 1 600 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 1 800 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 2 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 5 Moving Tickets
- 2 250 Prestige Points -> 2 Small Bombs
- 2 500 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 3 000 Prestige Points -> 3 Small Bombs
- 3 500 Prestige Points -> 5 Energy Bars
- 4 000 Prestige Points -> 3 Small Bombs
- 4 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Energy Bars
- 5 000 Prestige Points -> 4 Small Bombs
- 6 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 7 000 Prestige Points -> 4 Small Bombs
- 8 000 Prestige Points -> 10 Energy Bars
- 9 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 10 000 Prestige Points -> 1 Poisoned Carrot
- 11 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 12 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 13 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- 14 000 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 15 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- 16 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- For every 1 000 more Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars

Division 4:

- 100 Prestige Points -> +50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 200 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 1 Moving Tickets
- 300 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 400 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 500 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 600 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 700 Prestige Points -> 1 000 Storage
- 800 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 2 Moving Tickets
- 900 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 1 000 Prestige Points -> +10 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the the last day of the Weekly Challenge
- 1 200 Prestige Points -> +100 Energy Center for 7 days
- 1 400 Prestige Points -> 5 Energy Bars
- 1 600 Prestige Points -> 2 Small Bombs
- 1 800 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 2 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Quality 5 Moving Tickets
- 2 250 Prestige Points -> 2 Small Bombs
- 2 500 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 3 000 Prestige Points -> 3 Small Bombs
- 3 500 Prestige Points -> 5 Energy Bars
- 4 000 Prestige Points -> 3 Small Bombs
- 4 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Energy Bars
- 5 000 Prestige Points -> 4 Small Bombs
- 6 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 7 000 Prestige Points -> 4 Small Bombs
- 8 000 Prestige Points -> 10 Energy Bars
- 9 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 10 000 Prestige Points -> 1 Poisoned Carrot
- 11 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 12 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 13 000 Prestige Points -> 25 Energy Bars
- 14 000 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 15 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- 16 000 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- For every 1 000 more Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars

Според ова, "неограничено тенкање" со 76 или 66 чоколади на секој 1000 поени НЕМА да има... 🙁

Spring Hunt - Full details
Велигденски турнир

Edit Day 2,345 0:15 eRepublik time: Few players might have a wrong citizenship when checking the leaderboards. It occurs only for those who changed their citizenship in the last couple of days. This will be fixed in the following hours. No damage is lost.

Ако ви покажува погрешно државјанство кога ја проверувате табелата, не се грижете тоа ќе биде поправено во следните часови, штетата која сте ја направиле не е изгубена. Ова се појавува само кај тие кои го промениле државјанството во претходните денови.

Spring Hunt begins on Day 2,345 and lasts for a week, until the end of Day 2,351. During the Hunt citizens can complete missions, and compete for rewards in different categories. Both individual and group effort count.

Велигденскиот турнир започнува на ден 2345, трае 1 недела, до крајот на ден 2351

If you reach the final mission, you might get a chance to face the Evil Bunny, and try to defeat him with a special weapon: the Poisoned Carrot!

К.. се тресе во ладна вода!

As a special treat, citizens will earn a Carrot every 25 kills, after defeating the Henchmen. Each Carrot can be used to restore 50 Energy. The Carrots will appear on the frontpage, and can be collected easily.

Играчите ќе добиваат морков на секои 25 убиства, после убиството на Henchmen. Секој морков може да биде искористен за надополнување на 50 енергија. Морковите се појавуваат на главната страна и лесно се собираат.

Please note that:
- Carrots will expire at the end of Day 2,358
- One click of the “Collect” button will collect all the Carrots. The other rewards of the Weekly Challenge will be collected separately, as always.
- In order to access the final mission, all the other missions have to be completed
- Weekly Leaderboards will feature a special “Henchmen Defeated” leaderboard, which can be viewed nationally and globally

- Морковите ќе ги снема ако не ги употребиш до крајот на ден 2358
- Со еден клик на "Collect" иконата ќе ги собереш сите моркови.
- За да добиеш пристап до последната мисија, сите други мисии треба да ти се исполнети.
- Неделните табели ќе содржат специјална “Henchmen Defeated” табела

National rewards
Национални награди

Countries with the biggest number of players in the top 100 of the international Henchmen Defeated leaderboard will receive:
- 1st place: +1 Determination Bonus for 10 days in all battles
- 2nd place: +1 Determination Bonus for 10 days when attacking
- 3rd place: + 0.5 Determination Bonus for 10 days when attacking

Земјите со најголем број на играчи во топ 100 на интернационалната Henchmen Defeated табела ќе добијат:
- 1 место: +1 бонус во сите битки во времетраење од 10 денови
- 2 место: +1 бонус во битките во кои напаѓаат, со времетраење од 10 дена
- 3 место: + 0.5 бонус во битките во кои напаѓаат, со времетраење од 10 дена

Please note that if many countries will have the same amount of players in top 100, they share the position. For example, it’s possible that both Finland and Sweden end up on 1st place with 6 citizens in top 100, Denmark and Germany on 2nd place with 5 citizens and Norway on 3rd place with 4 citizens.

Ако повеќе држави имаат ист број на играчи во топ 100, ја делат позицијата. Пример, можно е Финска и Шведска да делат 1 место со 6 играчи во топ 100, Данска и Германија на 2 место со 5 играчи и Норвешка на 3 место со 4 играчи

Military Unit rewards
Награди за воените единици

Military Units with the biggest number of players in the top 100 of the national Henchmen Defeated leaderboard will receive:
- 1st place: Each member will receive 40% of the Carrots the specific member earned during the Spring Hunt
- 2nd place: Each member will receive 30% of the Carrots the specific member earned during the Spring Hunt
- 3rd place: Each member will receive 20% of the Carrots the specific member earned during the Spring Hunt

Воените единици со најголем број на играчи во топ 100 од националната Henchmen Defeated листа ќе освојат:
- 1 место: Секој член ќе добие 40% плус моркови
- 2 место: -//- 30% плус моркови
- 3 место: -//- 20% плус моркови

For example, if a Danish Military Unit ended up having the 3rd most members in the Danish top 100 of Henchmen Defeated leaderboard, and a Danish player of that Military Unit earned 400 Carrots during the event, he will win an extra prize of 80 Carrots.

Како пример, ако данска воена единица биде на трето место на данската топ 100 листа и некој дански играч од таа воена единица заработи 400 моркови за време на турнирот, тој ќе добие дополнителна награда од 80 моркови.

Please note that many Military Units can end up on 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, just like in the National rewards example above.

Please note also that if you want to contribute on the potential rewards your Military Unit members earn, your citizenship must match with the location of your Military Unit! For example, if you have a Swedish citizenship, but you’re in a German Military Unit, your effort won’t count. For more information, check out the previous Latest Updates article, published on Day 2,341.

Individual rewards
Индивидуални награди:


- Top Hunter: Be one of the first 100 citizens (globally) who defeated the Evil Bunny
- Hunter: Defeat the Evil Bunny before the end of Spring Hunt
- Henchmen Exterminator: Ranked 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the national Henchmen Defeated leaderboard (meaning 3 Decorations are given per country)

- Сељак на годината: Биди еден од првите 100 играчи (глобално) кои ќе го убијат лошиот Заев
- Сељак на месецот: Убиј го лошиот Зајко пред да заврши турнирот
- Дилбер: Рангиран на 1,2 или трето место на националната Henchmen Defeated листа (значи секоја земја добива 3 декорации)

Currency rewards
Парични награди:

Top 10 of the international Henchmen Defeated leaderboard will receive currency based on their performance during the Spring Hunt:
- 1st place: 1 currency for each Prestige Point
- 2nd place: 0.5 currency for each Prestige Point
- Places 3-5: 0.25 currency for each Prestige Point
- Places 6-10: 0.01 currency for each Prestige Point

Првите 10 души од интернационалната Henchmen Defeated листа ќе добијат валута базирано на нивниот учинок за време на велигденскиот турнир:

- 1 место: 1 мкд за секој престиж поен
- 2 место: 0.5 мкд -//-
- 3 до 5 место: 0.25 мкд -//-
- 6 до 10 место: 0.01

Weekly Challenge rewards

As in any other week, there’s a Weekly Challenge with individual rewards. You can check the rewards of your Division here.

Please note that:

- The rewards will be given starting Day 2,352. Stay tuned for updates, we can’t promise that everything will be added immediately after the Spring Hunt is over.

For questions, comments and feedback, please visit the Forum


Q: My citizenship doesn’t match with the country of my Military Unit. What will happen?
A: Your effort won’t count for your Military Unit, but you’re still eligible for the rewards other members gain. Even if you end up in Top 100 of your country, your effort only counts for the country, not the Military Unit.

Q: I’m in Division 1, am I supposed to fight with the big guys?
A: Apart from the rewards of the Weekly Challenge, the leaderboards are common for all Divisions, as it’s based on hits, not damage.

Q: If I’m amongst the first 100 citizens who defeated the Evil Bunny, will I get both Top Hunter and Hunter Decorations?
A: No, the Decorations are excluding each other so you can’t win both.