[Speaker] Incoming End of (Sub-)Agreement

Day 3,950, 08:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Afternoon gents o/,

An obligatory apology for keeping most of this in cab for the last week - it is a been a bit of an awkward one moving forward with all this Greek business, particularly given the (very eager) interest of those wanting to replace them.

That no one so far has spoken up for keeping the sub-agreement is enough really. Unless there is a sudden fervor for the status quo I'll drop Ektonosiakos a note confirming our request for them to leave.

We will discuss any fair reduction in fee in good faith given we are ending this ‘contract’ before it was up for renewal in 10 days.

This is not any particular slight against the Greek people – other than a few mishaps there have been no major causes for concern. But we would rather others on our shores for now.

I’ll give mongress more time to think about the options cabinet have presented before opening the final stage of negotiations with their preferred choice.

In the meanwhile cabinet would welcome all your thoughts on what to add and improve to the previous terms – a provision on sub-letting etc…

