[Snow] The Book of Dio is a Lie

Day 2,524, 17:04 Published in USA USA by Astraeus II


If you have been reading my previous articles you will know that in recent days I traveled to Canada to learn more about a mysterious substance called snow. Although skeptical of its properties at first I learned all there was to know through observation about snow, but when I was preparing to leave locals handed me the Book of Dio and said I could learn more through this reading.

Although I had already heard of the Book of Dio I had not read the entirety until handed a copy. For those unfamiliar, the book is a enigmatic, propaganda filled tale about a being who supposedly created the world and mankind through the manipulation of sand. Not wanting to go into detail to spread these lies I will direct this article to the parts of the book that relate to the topic at hand.

The first mention of snow occurs in chapter three of the Book of Dio and is as follows.

"One night, they (The Unspoken one and Spanish scientists) finally were able to create the anti-sand - snow - but the substance was so corrupt it began to spread to the soil, creating waters in the oceans, separating the continents. The once Gureto Indonesia, expanding from South Africa to South America was swallowed by the waters, leaving only the capital and some nearby cities. The north began to get cold and Pakistanis were forced to retreat to China - leaving those who were already affected by the curse of snow behind."

From this, most of the information about snow in modern times has been derived because of the large number of Dioists in the world. As one of the few who have actually researched the substance of snow I feel the need to stop these lies from being spread.

Here are just a few of the lies to be corrected based upon simple observations.
-Snow was not created by "The Unspoken One", rather sand and snow coexisted from the start of this world. This can be seen by the intergrown nature of sand and snow to the north.
-Snow did in fact create the oceans, but it is from the oceans that we derive life, not sand and the deserts.
-Snow is not a corruption, it has the ability to heal and care for those who accept it.

I know this article will generate a lot of anger, I have seen it with my previous articles but it is the truth that I seek, not the appeasement of those who fail to approach the world with a small amount of skepticism. Learn through observation my friends, not through blindly following those you look up to. There will be more from me in the future.

Until next time,