"So You Want to be a Great Writer" by Jon Malcom!

Day 1,814, 22:37 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

It's been told to me by quite a few people, "Jon you're an amazing writer/you really know how to speak your mind/you're kinda fly for a white guy."
Well with the exception of the last one.

I was asked by none other than Ledley Harvey who is pretty cool in my opinion.
He asked me this
"Hello, I'm Ledley Harvey.

You may remember me from such comments as 'Are we really friends?', to which you responded with a comment about my avatar, which was in turn voted by two people, one of them being me. But enough chit-chat.

I'd just like to ask you how you managed to grow your paper to so many votes/subs. (I'm a fan, by the way. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd like an autograph). So yeah.

Ledley Harvey"

How do I write and why is it so good is actually the introduction to that line of thought.

Let me tell you the reasons I know I am a good writer.

1. Mood

When I write I am in a writing mood.
Honestly I will skim almost all articles, really I will skim the heck out of them. Sorry Custer and Finger guns
I know you have written some great stuff but I tend to fly over it all. If it interested me enough I will then read it again and actually read every word.Sometimes that's just to get the pulse of our nation because I'll also check your comments to see what people think of you and what you wrote. I will also see if it's an experienced player or a new one.

To be a good writer you must be an excellent reader, I have 7 library books in my house right now. You must must become a reader, I know some of you hate it but I suggest you pick up something that's catchy and read it all. Even if it takes you a long time read it anyway. Try the Hunger Games or something by Dan Miller for inspiration.

2. Mind

Not every author is like me, in fact in Erepublik we're all different. Phoenix Quinn is wordy and comes off as very smart.
Candor lives up to his name, which means "The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness."
Bia Pandora comes off as warlike to idiots but loving her country and others, it makes her warm.
Custer, well Custer is damned fine when he writes and a personal hero when he wrote for his own paper.

You never write like you're talking to the people like a ruler, you write (or speak) to a group of people like you're talking to one trying to get your point across.

My paper is who I am, I am the commoner and also an older player. I speak what most cannot afford to speak or if they could they couldn't write as well. And even if they could they still won't do it simply because they think they can't write.
I have a 7th-8th grade education yet I was taught to read at a young age, therefore I found I could imitate writers. Eventually I found I could speak my mind through writing. Yes it's talent but at the same time, talent is never enough. I wrote all the time I was on Erepublik, that's how you get better, you write a lot!

3. Music

I listen to a heck of a lot of music when I write, currently I am listening to Shakira's She Wolf before that I listened to Gavin Degraw's Soldier. Honestly I probably will listen to one song about 15-20 times.
When I write mad I will usually listen to Eminem but for the most part I will want softer music. Yes I do like Maroon 5. No I am not gay.
Your music sets and fuels your mood.

4. Making you laugh

Usually I get mad about something and start out writing mad but by the time I am done I am feeling glad that I got it out of me. It's like masturbat*on for my mind. (Isn't that perverted)
I throw in little pictures that aren't half naked women or cats. Whenever I see that I want to stop reading. The naked chick and the stupid cat thing has been overdone way the heck too much. Unless you are advertising it like Candor did with the whole "Pick a Butt" article.
I make you laugh because I tell little jokes (like Ajay's peni😉 and keep the inside jokes between us friends in parentheses. It's true.
(No really it is.)

5. My point

Get your point across to the reader before you actually start typing the article by a great headline.
"Pig Attacks Dog and Cerb Eats Purina Scandal" It's funny yet it pulls you in.

Space things out to make a point.

Like this.


Instead of:
Get your point across to the reader before you actually start typing the article by a great headline. "Pig Attacks Dog and Cerb Eats Purina Scandal" It's funny yet it pulls you in.Space things out to make a point. Like this.Yeah.

Use bold and italics lightly. Bold is like a highlighter and I use to it to draw your eyes to certain things in my articles, because if you're like me you skim a lot.

Also, work on spelling and grammar. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but it is. I have started reading articles only to shut them off when I hit spelling errors, people can tell when you slapped something together or when you took time to put it out.

I can do that but most people cannot, you can if you try and keep going at it. Also read your article out loud, you'll catch most of your errors as your mund processes how I misspelled the word mind a few words ago.

Remember to re-read your article when you hit publish because the writing looks different then when you typed it all out. I have hit the edit button probably about seven times now. Do it, it works!

I guess that's it.
If all else fails, remember write! Don't dream of painting, paint! Don't think you'll learn to drive, go out and get that license.

About that autograph...