[Petition] - we want change!

Day 2,014, 09:26 Published in United Kingdom Poland by wigibob
This article was originally written by Joshua Whelan (eAustralia)

eRepublik is getting pretty dull now. Every day we log in, work, train, maybe fight, only to do it all again the next day. Every day is the same.

Why do we do this? In a lot of cases, we continue to play for the prospect of change. We want an economic module, we want to be able to do more than throw gold at battles.

Where does this hope come from? I'll put this long list of broken promises in list form. Promises of change, promise of improvements, by eRepublik staff.

Error 404: Fun, Change and Delivered Promises not found.

The List:

-Limits on Wellness packs - This is one of the oldest promises I can remember. However, ever since Romper's tanking run, eRepublik went the other way in letting lone people dictate the outcome of entire campaigns. Instead, we now have energy bars which mean such tanking runs are even more accessible. The only thing they did to limit this? Split us in to divisions.

-The Economy Module - We were promised a new economy module; instead they took even more of it away and haven't even bothered with it in over a year now. 'nuff said.

-Community Storage - Community storage was an idea thrown around to make storage accessible to everybody, useful for military units. Instead, this has just been ignored and we've not heard anything of it since.

-Military Unit Reform - The current military unit system needs changing. There's very little to it, and it seems pretty crappy. We were told this was going to happen; where is this change?

-The eRepublik Forums - The eRepublik forums were our last accessible place to voice our concerns, suggest ideas, conduct trade and meet other members of the community. Suddenly, they were removed one day and 'down for maintenance', for many months. Plato's reason? They needed 'fixing'. The fix has now been completed, the forums are deleted, our hope of change defeated. It's very important these are brought back if you really want an element of community engagement.

-Work Skill - This was deleted and exchanged for a free house or something ridiculous. I talked to an admin about this, and apparently they were just being 'tweaked' and would be back within months. It's now been years, and it's still not been returned.

-Increasing the Flow of Gold into the Game - I used to have a screen shot of this one. Plato AND Alexis Bonte both said they were looking to greatly increase gold generation. About 18 months later, the gold mine came about. The result? You had to sink tens of thousands of gold for your nation to generate 10,000 gold for your community. A horrible excuse of an idea! Since this promise, more gold sinks have arisen than gold fountains.

-"Q6 is the last company quality, buy it while it's hot!" - Q7 companies.

-"We're going to make things more equal for smaller nations" - False.

-"We're going to add more countries!" - One year later, "We're not adding any more countries".

R.I.P Strategy - A long gone element of eRepublik

Cut the BS eRepublik!

This list of broken promises continues to grow every month. You promise things and then completely disregard the fact that it was you who suggested the idea is in the pipeline. This is just a handful of the dozens of promises that I specifically remember Plato, George Lemnaru, Alexis Bonte and others making.

The Economy Module

This, for me personally, is the most important thing. I initially only played for the economy module, and I continue to play in the hope that one day, a new module will emerge. Every day, this hope fades away that little bit more. Every change makes me realise that the game will soon just be a war module.

The last real economy we had - eRepublik V2, many moons ago

Remember those surveys you did? A significant amount of your community chose the 'Economy' option for what they find most important. You continued to go ahead with moving the game solely to a war game.

This article was originally written by Joshua Whelan (eAustralia)
Original article : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-petition-erepublik-039-s-broken-promises-we-want-change--2266823/1/20