Day 2,167, 21:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

I am running for CP

So in this article I shall be applying for the job of CP with all of you lovely people (see some arse kissing already) so I shall treat this like a normal job interview and actually do an interview.

How to get a job…..

1. Have an awesome CV

So here’s my CV

Past experience
-Been playing the game for 3 years 4 months
-Been minister in 9 different ministries (a lot of which don’t exist now) some do exist though so there
-Been MoD and MoFA (in the last 2 months)
-Incredibly active

Hobbies and Interests
-playing eRepublik of course

2. Ace the Interview

So Mr. Cerberus if I may call you that….

Please call me mwc. No seriously call me mwc I love it.

So mwc what do you think you can bring to the role of CP?

Well firstly mega activity I’m on eRepublik when I wake in the morning and before I go to bed at night in-between I’m online a lot as many of you eUKers will testify. I am often called a no-lifer which is bad for everything except this I think so yes I shall put it to the one good use it has

Do you have any new ideas to bring to the role?

Well my main goal will be to do what some previous administrations have done but do it better. For instance:
more articles from ministers,
greater communication between me, congress and the public,
better skills that may indeed pay the bills

Articles – yes I will even be getting my VCPs writing who are usually very behind the scenes
Communication – I hope to do a lot of articles telling you exactly what I’ve been doing I won’t commit to daily updates as sometimes I’ll be so busy that will be impossible,, but I will definitely try
Skills – yer I wanted 3 things I could make better and only had 2 sooo yer this got added as 3 is a better number

BUT I do have new ideas to bring to the role yes;

Training contracts can bring the cost of training down massively,, as long as you’re on enough strength per day,, but can be a bit chunky at 25 or 53 gold per month. I myself have been surprised by these unexpected costs on a few occasions. So I will be introducing training contract loans for those who meet all the requirements and agree to pay them back over the course of a month.


Well that wasn’t really a question but I get the idea I have already confirmed a few positions for instance I’ve confirmed one of my VCPs as WookieO (who I was very happy to net and shove on display in my cabinet)

If you do want to apply to my cabinet send me an ingame message with the following details
-Your preferred ministry
-Where you wouldn’t be prepared to work
-How active you think you are
-Your previous experience
-How you’d rank your coolness on a scale from 0-10

Act fast to avoid disappointment
If you have already talked to me about positions no need to message me

Thanks farmer but first a TL😃R
-I have loads of exp
-More gov articles
-I’m very active
-Training contract loans
-WookieO as VCP
-If you want a cabinet position message me

bonus pics

Tic tac vote that 😁😁
Big mouth shout that Love you long time sub that >>>>>>
MWC4CP comment that \/\/\/\/