[MWC] e-Joke Book 3

Day 2,386, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Well e-Joke Day 3 [Plato Strikes Back] has officially finished here is a collection of every joke i told along with everyone you fired at me which I screenied. I will be offering prizes for the best ones I heard in my next article

Also WALL OF JOKES ALERT because apparently walls of jokes are 15% better than walls of text

Also bonus pics at the bottom

1. I recently read great expectations …. it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be.
2. My girlfriend is a porn star.
She is going to be so pissed off when she finds out.


3. My girlfriend told me to stop playing Pokemon as it was childish.
I started thrashing about and roared "You don't have enough badges to control me!"


4. Impressively, only 2% of the people I operated on died last year. But for some reason the authorities think that's too high for a dentist.

5. On the label it says "Please drink responsibly."
Well, I've got my seatbelt on..

6. Why does lieutenant uhura smell so bad
because william shatner.



7. Whenever someone hands me a flyer it’s like them saying ‘here, you throw this away’.

8. Bacon incense: For when you really want to punish someone for their drunken night out


9. I’m a heroine addict; I need to have sex with women who have saved someone’s life
10. What concerns me is that one day i’ll wind up an old man

and he’ll attack me

11. I had a job as one of those sampling guys in a supermarket

I was asked to leave though, after the little cups of bleach incident.

12. Robin Thicke goes to order a burger, but there’s a family of ducks in front of him taking forever to order. He hates these bird lines.
13. I just took a priests exam and i got an A….men

14. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef
What do you call a cow with 3 legs? lean beef
What do you call a cow with 2 legs? Yo mama

15. I’m 6 foot 3 inches
6 feet tall 3 inches long

if any girls are reading this possibly being put off don’t worry it’s just a joke
3 inches is very optimistic
16. I hate all this nudity on tv nowadays, sometimes I literally sit there shaking my fist at the screen.

17. I’m not an expert on masturbation but i certainly hold my own
18. A lot of my jokes I tell are self deprecating although i’m not very good at them.
19. How do you kill a circus?
go for the juggler
20. Justin Bieber got caught doing 50 in his Lamborghini..

Mr Cent was unavailable for comment.
21. I’m going to make a show about 3 surfers and a shark.
I’ll call it two and a half men.
22. When I was young I had this disease where I’d have to eat worms 3 times a day or I’d die.

It was lucky my big brother told me about it really.

23. I’m a bit of a ladies man.
No matter how clearly the gents are sign posted.
24. Q: How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony? A: It’s not hard.

26. There were a couple girls banging on my bedroom door all last night. *smirk*
but I didn’t let them out.
27. When I was younger my dad used to beat me with a camera. I still have flashbacks...and a really weird photo album.
28. I've spent two years looking for my ex-girlfriend's killer...
But no one will do it.
29. I have the heart of a lion, and a lifetime ban from the zoo
30. Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is the same as saying ‘I apologize,’ … except at a funeral.
31. I can see exactly 6 years into the future. I have 2020 vision.


32. When I get my kids their first pet I plan to name it B#r4/gy3Es6 should make for a secure answer to their security question for the rest of their lives.

33. I intend to live forever. So far so good.

34. I don't wanna sound too big headed but... this hat is too small..
35. What is yellow and lives off dead Beatles? Yoko Ono
36. Why did Tony the Tiger go to prison? RRRrrrrrrrrrrrape!

37. Did you hear about the guy who won the anal sex competition? He actually came in the #2 spot.
38. How can you spot the prostitute at the Miss America pageant? She's wearing a sash that says Idaho.
39. What is Tom Hanks' wireless password? 1forrest1
40. What doesn't belong? Lobster, crab, tuna, or a Chinese man run over by a bus? Tuna. All others are crustaceans

41. What is The Fonz's blood type? AAAAAAAAAAAA
42. What animal has two gray feet and two brown feet? An elephant with diarrhea.
43. Whats the difference between you and a calendar? A calendar has dates.

44. What's better than roses on your piano? Tulips on your organ.
45. Piracy is killing the music industry. You try playing the guitar with a hook.

46. I had a dream I was drowning in an orange soda. Turned out it was just a fanta sea.

47. My girlfriend keeps saying she’s cold and needs me to warm her up. She’s going to be really happy with this fan heater i’m buying her for her birthday.
48. People keep saying i’m sexist, but they’re all women so who cares.

49. It’s a great feeling when you get a woman you’ve been chasing for…. miles.
50. Accidentally pooped my pants in the lift today.
I'm taking this shit to a whole new level.
51. I tried to be polite and hold the door open for a woman, but she kept screaming, "I'm peeing in here!"

52. I hate when I walk into the classroom late and everyone stares at me like I just killed two people when I obviously killed seven.
53. Every zoo is a petting zoo as long as you're not a pussy.

54. It's always good to spread happiness, so smile at a stranger today.
Or flash them your boobs, strangers love boobs!
55. You guys really need to stop judging people that breastfeed in public. I can raise my puppy however I want.

56. If i had a pound for every time someone has told me to grow up, I could have the coolest tree house ever!
57. Coming out of the closet would be a lot easier if my wardrobe wasn't so FABULOUS!

58. It's, "Jamaican hairstyle day", at work tomorrow. I'm dreading it.


59. When I was a child, my dad tried to force-feed me.

After a while, my mum said, "Just use a bloody spoon. You're not a Jedi."

60. I saw that show, 50 Things To Do Before You Die. I would have thought the obvious one was "Shout For Help". '
61. Dave drowned. So at the funeral we got him a wreath in the shape of a lifebelt. Well, it's what he would have wanted
62. A wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
63. People who like trance music are very persistent. They don't techno for an answer.

64. I used to be in a very tidy rock band. OC/DC.

65. Q: What's the difference between 3 dicks and a joke?
A: Your mom can't take a joke.
66.When we're having sex my girlfriend likes to pretend she's 14 which is weird because she has 3 more years to go.
67. I once went down on a girl without knowing she was on her period. Boy was my face red.
68. You know what gets me down? An extra chromosome

69. I wanted to have sex with my girlfriend, but she was on her period. So I had to pull some strings.
70. What's the difference between work and your sister. I will not be coming into work today.

71. Whenever I dump a Japanese girl, they act like everything is fine.

It's like I have to drop the bomb twice before they get the message.


73. Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
They'll need dental records
to identify you
74. I saw my teacher in porn once... it was especially weird because I'm homeschooled.
75.What does a Gynecologist and a Pizza Boy have in common? They can smell it but they can't eat it.

76. What does one lesbian vampire say to the other? See you next month
77. A woman in America has had the largest ever boob job to increase her breasts to 38KKK. That is one dedicated racist.
78. What’s Beethoven’s favorite fruit?…Ba-na-na-naaa!

79. They say one in every four men is gay, so there must be one in my group of friends.
I hope it's Michael - he's super cute.
80. I organised a threesome last night, there were a couple of no shows but i still had a good time.



bonus pics

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