[MoHA] What's this IRC business?

Day 844, 00:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe.

This article is for those who don't know about the IRC, or who don't use it for whatever reason.

What is this I don't even...

The #eUK is our country’s national IRC channel. This is the place where all the cool people go to. If you feel your elife is worthless, you simply have not been searching for where the true value of your life is. Like the eUK forums, the IRC is where everything important happens. If you have not done so already, we invite you to join.

I can't find anything on google!?

There are a few ways to get to #eUK. First, you could use the forums server, which is found here. Or you can use an IRC client, such as Rizon, Mibbit, Chatzilla, or whatever your liking is.

Enhancing your 'eStatus'.

If you ever thought of becoming active in a political or military career, the IRC is where you need to be. The IRC will give you the ability to get your name out, and to become more acquainted with other citizens.

#eUK is only the tip of the iceberg. Several political parties have IRC channels, military branches and government offices have channels. We even have a channel where people who are eligible can receive free weapons. There is something for everyone to enjoy. With so many places to explore, it’s no wonder the IRC is where all the cool stuff takes place.

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Ministry of Home Affairs apprentice