[MoHA] Our services – Working on your behalf…

Day 840, 14:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe.

Now that the elections are out of the way (congratulations Karacticus) and the MoHA team is organised and fully operational; I thought it would be a good time to update you, the Great British public, about what we do and the services we offer.

I’ll start with the services we offer that can help you and move on to more detail about our various departments later in the article.

Assisted Passage To London
Not in London? You really should be. I know that not everyone wants to be in London as they feel a lack of loyalty towards their home region. Well, in this game, as much as we can become emotionally attached to our regions, they are but a name on a server or strategic areas to be used in the war module. There is no regional economy, regional employment or regional taxes. The only things that are regional are defence systems and hospitals and the likelihood is that this could be changed in V2 with hospitals and defence systems able to potentially cover a wider area. Of course there are regional elections and having low populations in regions at these times causes some electoral issues. This is, however, far outweighed by the added experience that the nations citizens gain by living in London. If you want to get involved on a regional level, the best place to do this is on the eUK Forums, where you can participate in your regional councils – even if you are living in London in game.

London is currently our only region with a hospital and it’s a top of the range Q5 hospital. This means that the only place you can fight and heal in eUK is London! Fighting earns you 2xp per fight and so is the quickest way to rank up in game and in military rank. It’s also currently the easiest way by far to achieve and maintain high wellness. So, by having the population in London, our population ranks up quicker and maintains high wellness. This makes the nation stronger.

So why not just put hospitals in other regions? Well, the cost is an issue, with a Q5 hospital costing around 250 gold. The change to V2 will also change the way that hospitals work, as previously mentioned. Then there’s the fact that we are surrounded by countries who could still potentially attack. If our regions are taken, our hospitals are destroyed. That being said, the government will look into the possibility of strategically placing one or two more hospitals once there is further info regarding the implications of V2.

Can’t afford a ticket to London? If you’re beyond level 6 then you’ve already received your 5 gold and so really should be able to afford it at the current prices. If you’re below level 6 or genuinely can’t afford one, contact the eUK Home Office who will look at providing you with a moving ticket free of charge. This offer is only available to those with United Kingdom citizenship.

King Clarkson’s personal guard on duty

The British Gifting Hub
Under 40 wellness? The British Gifting Hub can help you. Contact them to get gifted up to 40 wellness so that you can fight and heal. There are a few simple conditions:

- You must have United Kingdom Citizenship
- You must be working in a Q1 company
- You must be living in London
- You do not qualify if you have been gifted by the British Gifting Hub before

The British Gifting Hub will have you fighting fit in no time

MoHA departments and what they do
The MoHA is responsible for various departments which you may or may not be aware of. I’ll run you through each of the departments and give you an explanation of what each of them do.

Citizens Department – underMinister Steve Steinbeck
The Citizens Department ensures that every new player is messaged shortly after joining by a Minister of Home Affairs member of staff who can act as their mentor. This mentor will be willing to answer any question that the new citizen of the eUK may have. They will be messaged again at level 5 offering further info to ensure they understand the new options that open up to them at level 5 and beyond. This dept. will also be manning national chatrooms and in-game forums to offer advice and encourage use of the external eUK forums and irc. They are also active in the introductions and how does this game work threads on the eUK forum. Furthermore, the gifting hub will be managed by the Citizens dept.

The Citizens Department play an important role in player retention

Education – underMinister UK’s finest
The Education department will be publishing regular articles with the Ministry of Home Affairs newspaper giving advice to citizens. They will also be actively offering advice in the forums, along with the Citizens dept. There is a whole Community within eRepublik and the sooner players know about it, the better.

Education is an important way of achieving an active and well informed population

Entertainment – underMinister Lord Weiis
The Entertainment dept. will continue to run the successful eUK Lottery and the monthly Monarch Day event. This adds another aspect to eRepublik life for new citizens who have limited opportunities to get involved in and meet more members of the community. The team will also be responsible for creating threads in the entertainment forum and creating competitions both in-game and on the forum.

Increasing the fun factor

Media – underMinister Horice G Fossil
The National Newspaper Association will continue to operate under the media team and we aim to have improved coverage of Phoenix countries and foreign affairs. Citizens knowledge need not be confined to home affairs and we must be able to readily offer information on countries outside the eUK. Anything that might interest a new or old player will be covered.

The NNA search through all the news so that you don’t have to

Wiki – underMinister Coram_Boy
The wiki dept. will ensure that the eUK wiki is as complete and up to date as possible. They will also be setting up pages for when new rules come into effect, so that we can respond quickly and efficiently to the changes and ensure that our new citizens are always informed of the current rules. The current wiki tutorial is to be updated and expanded to offer as much guidance as possible.

The MoHA wiki team are constantly updating our wiki pages

In game advertising – underMinister Tom Fletcher
The in-game advertising dept. will continue to use their skills to create images for other departments as required.

Tom & an apprentice failing to produce me a pic in time 😛

Off site promotion – underMinister Asher Di Immortales
The off-site promotion team will be pushing the game to a British audience in a continuing effort to get us the much talked about and elusive baby boom. They will be posting on message boards, contacting media, attempting to contact the monarch and running the facebook account amongst other things.

Technology – underMinister Nice Guy Eddie
The technology department will be continuing the work of Mo-Tech to improve the use of technology in assisting us. The main aim for this month is to set up an information hub where citizens can find all the info. they should need. They also have several other interesting projects lined up which you can read all about on the forum.

These guys do some really clever stuff that I don’t even understand

Ministry of Silly Walks

Oh no, I haven’t created this dept........…..yet

In addition to these departments, the MoHA work as a team and collectively get involved with various messaging campaigns each term. For example, just this weekend we messaged every employed citizen under 40 wellness to advise them of the services offered by the gifting hub.

If you’ve somehow managed to read the entire article then thanks for your time. I hope this helps to explain to you the things that are going on behind the scenes here in the MoHA.

Don't forget to check out and subscribe to these government papers to keep up to date with country's goings on:
Ministry of Defence
National Newspaper Association

And remember to get involved on the eUK Forums
Learn about all aspects of the game on the Official eUK Wiki Page

You can now also join up to the new Phoenix forums

And don't forget to Join the Navy

Dan Moir
Minister of Home Affairs