[MoHA] It's nice to work together

Day 831, 04:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
We all have our ambitions in the eWorld. Whether its being in congress, joining a military branch, or getting those handful more subs all editors desire. The point is we all want to go somewhere, so why not work together?

There is no substitute for helping each other out.

Well we in the UK are doing well at working in unity, but we can do better. We have several ways in which to help our citizens, and if you give me the time I will inform you.

Being a new journalist sucks. There are no two ways about it. When you start of you will have no or few subscribers for a little while, and who doesn‘t want a hand helping here? Well the National Newspaper Association can help you with this. Every week (normally a Friday) they publish an article full of links to papers, be it funnies, guides to help new player, general articles or official stuff.

If fact I would recommend you check out their paper here. Now if you are an editor of a paper and have written an article that is helpful, or particularly good in any way, why not send a message with a link to your article to them here.

If your article gets used you could always donate a bit of spare cash to the eUK Home Office to help them move new players into London (for the hospital) here. Or you could give to the Ministry of Defence where they will use your donation to increase damage output in a battle here.

This wouldn‘t pack the same punch if Gordon said it.

Continuing with our ongoing theme, if you haven’t already add this organisation as a friend here and my personal account here.

Oh, and make sure you help out the Royal Navy by checking you are subscribed with your citizen account and any organisation accounts you have to their official paper here.

Are you in the eUK‘s Royal Navy yet?

This thread on the national forum should tell you a little more about applying, have a look here (http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=26323). If you are not registered on the forum, register and check it out.