[MoFA] Diplomatic Corps Recruiting

Day 994, 12:41 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst

A major goal of our president is the creation of a larger, more present diplomatic corps than Austria has previously had, which typically has not placed an emphasis on having many diplomats. However, our geographic position in the middle of Europe, as well as our policy of non-aggression and non-alignment, makes us uniquely able to act in a diplomatic role in situations across the world.

Entering into the diplomatic aspect of eRepublik is one of the most enjoyable, as you will have an opportunity to meet other people from around the world, along with representing the interests of Austria on the world stage. Skills that are particularly helpful are being able to stay calm, keep a cool head, and act in, well, a diplomatic manner. The ability to speak additional languages can be helpful as well. You would not need to move out of Austria in game, but being able to come on IRC so you can visit their IRC channel and speak to officials is a must.

If serving in the diplomatic corps is something you would be interested in doing, please http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/152181'>send me a message stating so. You can also state if you have any preferences for nations you would like to work with, or any other languages you can speak as this can make it easier to find the right spot.

Rangeley, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Stoneman, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Myers11, Secretary of Diplomacy