[MoFA] A new term begins!

Day 1,691, 10:39 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Domestic News:
Firstly, let us congratulate Cooke4444 for winning the CP elections and we hope to have a busy & active MoFA term this month! Many positions and volunteering places are available we just need eager, active people to fill them!

Ambassador roles are now available this month, we are hoping to have many ambassadors to many countries this term and to hopefully expand how effective Belgium’s MoFA can be. Being an ambassador can also lead to a proper ministry job in the future.

In terms of MPPs, we are beginning to talk to other nations on how to progress in maintaining a balance between ONE/Terra/Eden to ensure that we stay neutral. This will continue through the month but we hoping to increase MPPs, although the essential aim is to keep a balance MPP which we hope to achieve.

We would also like to affirm our commitment for Belgium staying neutral, in light of talks of a new alliance being formed. If there is a new alliance created, we will not make rash decision in changing our position on neutrality, but we will ask the Belgian people if they want to change our position, or stay neutral as it is.

Belgian cabinet for July 2012:
CP + MoFUN: Cooke4444
Vice-CP: BrunoCND
Minister of Home Affairs: Dennis Baks
Under-minister: Mr. Put
Minister of Education: Gyantse
Under-minister: Viramunchi
Minister of Finance: Backwards
Minister of Economy: ValdemarButor
Ministers of Defence: Critically & Mudduck95
Ministers of Immigration: Darrel Anderson 2 & Facebookator
Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Requiem Domine & Lily Jayne Summers
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: MaartenW

International News:

An overview of the alliances in the eWorl😛

USAF Division Realignment: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dod-announcement-division-realignment-and-article-series-2076623/1/20

End of term report by former UK’s president Jamesw

Irish Foreign Affairs Review for July: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-in-closing-foreign-affairs-review-for-july-2075187/1/20

An interesting survey about the newly implemented rocket factories:

Operation “France For You”: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-rf-infodef-op-eacute-ration-quot-france-for-you-quot-lanc-eacute-e-priorit-eacute-s-albanie-et-turquie--2076780/1/20

Military Unit Spy Engine:

eRepublik Rivalries 5th Edition: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-rizon-erepublik-rivalries-5th-edition-2076535/1/20

Contact us:
If you have any queries or questions in relation to MoFA just contact below:
Requiem: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2604702
Lily: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5225140

Requiem Domine,
Belgian MoFA

Lily Jayne Summers,
Belgian MoFA

MoFA Irc Channel: #eBe_MoFA