[MoF] Ministry of Finance: Report 1 (June)

Day 2,770, 19:24 Published in Pakistan Croatia by Pakistan eRepublik

Assalam o Alikum

Citizens of Pakistan, we are in the Mid-Term Sparkfyre Government (Dictatorship), this is the 1st report in the month of June and this article intend to keep you informed in the finance situation of our eCountry.

This report covers the eDay 2755 to 2769

SUMMARY – June (Mid-Term Report)

The most important information in a simplified way described for quick reading below

ITEMIZED REPORT - June (Mid-Term Report)

I will proceed to report the Finance situation and the evolution of the economy during this days. To be better understood I will divide it into sections:



The total Income at moment was 9,991.85 PKR, profit obtained as described below:

Revenues from the Daily Tax:
Tax Revenues: 4,323.41 PKR
Average daily tax revenue: 288.22 PKR

Revenues from the speculation in Monetary Market:

MM profit: 5668.44 PKR
Average daily: 377.89 PKR


The total expenses at moment was 20,000 PKR, spending as described below:

MPP: 20,000 PKR
eDay 2757 signed with TURKEY
eDay 2769 signed with USA


With revenues of 9,991.85 PKR and expenditure of 20,000 PKR, In total we ended the first half- term with a shortfall of -10,008.15 PKR.


My personal goal as MoF is transparency by way of information, manage and efficiently use the money of Pakistan

I want to talk a little about the most important issue happened to the first half of the month: This month Sparkfyre be our dictator. Many of you know her, and know the hard work she has done towards to build a better Pakistan, serving time ago many functions satisfactorily and very actively. Life situations made her stop activity but today is here again with us. Few eCountries have a woman to be Dictator. With this great responsibility, I'm sure she will do very well this function and is an Honor for us... Sparky so we wish you success and I`m glad you're back.

Regarding of finance, we are now a small deficit, but possibly at the end of this term will reverse the situation.
You know that we are not a eCountry with large income, but it is important that we continue along the same path we have walked side by side. Many know that there are people who want to steal money that Pakistan owns (as long ago), money is little in comparison with other countries but each PKR we got it, costs us a lot of work, but I am proud of the fight we have been doing against these people and their multiaccounts, so it is important in the time of elections to efficiently use their votes, voting for reliable and recognized candidates, to prevent this despicable people fulfill with it.

Thanks for the support at work I am trying to perform.
Don`t forget that we are in a game, but never lose respect for toward each other

So here is all for now and thanks for your attention (apologies for my poor english language)

Only achieve a prosperous eCountry by working together. Everything for the benefit of ePakistan and its people.


If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints you are free to give your opinion in this informative article or send me PM.