[MoC] Stuff *finished*

Day 1,203, 12:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hi all I just wish to make it known that I, the Supreme Irasian, will be you new Minister of Community.

I will probably disgrace the reputable name of Minister of Community by the use of my fiendish and painful articles that I will use to complete my goals for Minister of Communities. I will try to do my best and hope that most of the general public will be happy with what I do.

Goals for the month for Minister of Community:

-Hold at least 2 raffles during my term.

-Come up with some ideas (*cough* steal ideas off people *cough😉 for interesting games that will get everyone involved especially the "young ones".
-Write articles at least once a week maybe more.
-World domination
-Entertain people to a degree as we do not wish people to become depressed as they will leave and if they become to happy it might be contagious which we do not want as happiness is not good.

-Community Awards

Personal Goals for Irasian:

-Get to know people in Ireland.
-Scab money off Marcus Suridius by being an Ambassador in one of the Spanish speaking countries.
-Get a new Company.
-Continue to work as a supply officer for the Irish Army.

Raffle/ Lotto

I will be holding the raffle in about a week from now so on the 14th March day 1210 of erep at about 12:59.

The usual 5 IEP to join. PM this org the number you chose. If you are unable to pm an org for any reason or donate to the org, pm and donate it to Irasian.
The numbers range between 1 and 40. If the number is not guess the prize money will carry over onto next week.

*I will probably update this a bit later but duty calls at the moment*

About me, some really boring and dull facts about me that will probably bore you to tears so there is not much point in reading this, actually I don't even see why you are reading this sentence now:
Born 721 days ago. The only time I was able to use the internet at the time was during school as at home I had dial up and couldn't find enough cables to connect my laptop to it.
I came up with the name Irasian due to it relating to Ireland through the first 3 letters and the last 5 are asian. I was originally born in Ireland and moved to Australia about 6 years ago.

The people who inspired me at about the time of my birth were:
05637716 due to him being about the same age as me as well as being an active citizen

Grainne Ni Mhaille inspired me to join the Army due to here cheerful attitude towards everyone in the IDF at the time. Just browsing through the forums back then made it seem like, to me, that she was a RL sergeant.

Irish_Rebel_Reborn was still a tool like he is now.

Severin was probably the most inspirational person in opinion. He seemed like a fatherly figure to me.

There were a couple of others who I thought good of but they didn't really make much of an impression on me at the time. People like 5nak4yes or however his name is spelt. 😛

Yours sincerely,
Minister of Community
Teachta Dala
Supply Officer of the Irish Army
Ex-ambassador to Spain
Ex-ambassador to Mexico
Ex-ambassador to Venezuela
Ex-ambassador to Chile
Ex-ambassador to Argentina

And to those players who are on level 20 or below the first 23 who post something below will receive 10 IEP each.