[MoC] Agallamh a haon

Day 1,182, 11:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community


First of all, sorry about the delay in rewarding those who guessed the avatars correctly. FTR, Luminara won and got the 20 IEP, but I gave the rest of ye who got them right 5 IEP anyway. Because ye're worth it 😃

The answers were Bryan O'Shea, Connell Rath, Dan Murchadh, e-kane, Fr0Fr0, Luminara and seanlynch.

Now, for something else

An interview with our CP, no less. 😃

Me: So good, evening Seanan, how are you?
Seanan: Grand, thank you

Me: :d. Well, to start us off, how does it feel to be CP? Easy or tough?
Seanan: Like I should be paid - heavy load but nothing I can't handle

Me: 😃
Seanan (like me to say more? lol)

Me: Ha, only if you have more to say, Anywho. If you could leave one mark on eIreland to reflect you term as CP, what would it be?
Seanan: Irish flags dominating the battlefield; Maybe "Virtually non-violent elimination" of a few Serbs 😉 Just general kick-ass smooth military operations

Me: Hú-á. You call yourslef the barbarian, and your avatars have had barbarians. Why so?
Seanan: Limerick does things to ya. Well it might be hard to believe, but sometimes.. I'm a bit of psycho, so big axes and blood lust all fits - The Barbarian.

Me: o.......k. Your best and worst moments in erep?
Seanan: Best moment was the formation of the Irish Army - a national army capable of winning battles and looking damn good. Worst moment was when I accidentally banned everyone from joining #Ireland - have a habit of breaking the IRC.

Me: lol. If you were admin for a day.....
Seanan: I'd add eIceland. Irish Empire.

Me: Niiiiiice. Ever consider quitting?
Seanan: And leave eIreland, our wonderful malfunctioning eFamily? Never, I love this place. Seriously, I'm here until the headless chick is permanent.

Me: Do you think irelands future lies with PANAM, or any other alliance?
Seanan: Our future lies with our continuing loyal allies, but keep an eye out for more government updates

Me: Football or hurling?
Seanan: Hitting people with a stick never gets old - hurling. Unless we bring rugby into it. Breaking someones bones is a beautiful thing :'] Bit of reoccurring theme going on here?

Me: BARBARIAN. Who do you respect most in eIreland?
Seanan: The most? Man, I'm free-loving. I'd say every member who built up the Irish Army, but then I respect commitment to Ireland - So I got a list. There are a few peeps who could apply themselves better, but our community is great. If you'd force me to mention one name, I'd say Marcus, the guy is a beast.

Me: I think that's enough now. anything you want to say to the lovely people of eIreland?
Seanan: Join the Army - Always in the fight