[MDP] World Events/Warfare Analysis

Day 2,458, 07:54 Published in Canada Canada by Maximus.Decimus.Meridius.

To start off, the big event from yesterday to today was the failed Chile Air Strike into the Indian Continent. Chile wanted to kick out Peru from India but they were soundly defeated in a surprisingly one sided battle.

Asteria/LETO were able to throw back the Aurora/Sirus Chile AS, thus keeping India secured for Iran, Peru, Uruguay, and China. Chile not only lost the AS battle but their enemies also started several resistance wars within Chile, with many succeeding. The attempt to go into India has striped Chile of the title of Empire, for now... (from someone who worked alongside Chile in Aurora this momentary turn of events is kind of impressive)

In Scandinavia, Russia and Sweden are fighting in an agreed upon conflict. Norway has been invaded by eUK but the eUK government have said they are not going to try to occupy Norway, they just wanted to fight for the competition. Meanwhile Finland has pushed in Estonia once more, but Poland appears to be putting up CO's for Estonia to RW its regions back and to start pushing against Finland.

Meanwhile things are going on as usual in the Balkans, although there seems to be a bit of a rest period between Croatia and Serbian. Bulgaria is trying to win back its region from Romania, with the two being in a training war. While Moldavia struggles to regain its regions from Turkey. Cyprus is also attempting to hold onto its one region in Austria that it gained through an AS.

France continues with its bad luck of having rubber regions and is still divided among Chile, USA, UK, and Poland; with Poland currently attacking the remaining French regions in the south.

Spain and Portugal have been conducting a Training War and Poland remains in southern Spain to ward off Argentina.

USA is pushing on into our territory with this training war. While we have gained Mayo in Ireland.

There has been some confusion with Columbia and Mexico since 3 days ago they NE'd each other then the next day both governments released a NAP treaty. So this war has turned into a training war (from what I can gather).

In a nice change to the map Australia has regained most of its territories and look to be on their way to fully kick out Chile, for now, while Macedonia still holds one region in Australia; and Macedonia looks to be able hold onto the one New Zealand region they have.

Everything seems quiet in the Middle east and Africa. South Africa has managed to remain free, while Nigeria has been forced to accept a three way split of their country with Greece taking the north, Argentina taking the southern half, which leaves the middle for Nigeria.

Greece still hold Egypt and have continued to split Saudi Arabia between themselves, Cyprus, and Turkey.

India liberated a region from Peru. Which may allow Canada to finally begin to move its capital back to North America after these many months.

Ever Forward!