[MBN] Fair and Open Forum Primaries? Buffalo Biscuits...!

Day 1,871, 07:45 Published in USA USA by Drew Blood
[EDIT] Names have been redacted to protect the guilty.

Bia Pandora

My greatest desire is for citizens to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and so this portion of my article was stolen lock, stock and barrel from Bia Pandora from her article Reality Check, here are some truths that we both hope you will consider, ESPECIALLY new players:

1. Don't trust what I say, she says, he says or what they say. People have agendas and sometimes the nicest seeming people are the biggest sharks. LOOK FOR YOURSELF. Everything that you need to know is out there.

2. Use your OWN judgement. The people cast as wearing the tinfoil hats, or as "crazy" or "paranoid" are usually the people asking you to find out for yourself. Who are they?

3. Read everything, including past articles by people. The smart dirty players typically go back and delete articles when they campaign. If they haven't...read them thoroughly. Do their views when they weren't running match what this current campaign article is saying?

4. Watch how people treat others, outside of election time and during election times. Watch how they talk to people in game, in comments and on IRC. Does the way they treat people compare to their campaign articles?

5. Investigate them. What kind of people support this person?

6. Take NO ONE at face value. Think, and research for yourself.

7. The key to winning this game is "retention", which means making sure as many players as possible keep playing. Is the candidate willing to see the value in all loyal groups, or do they think all other groups are wrong and only theirs is right?

8. Is the person trying to sway your opinion up for any positions? I've seen players sell out long standing "friends" for a stupid title in this game. What do they get out of it if they get what they want?

9. And most important for me....what kind of a game do you want to log into? Do you want it to be a place that causes you to log off in disgust, constantly teetering on the edge of quitting, or do you want to log in and have some fun again and not feel dirty? Our leaders set the example. What kind of an example would each set?

10. Propaganda is easy, don't fall for it. Quantity does NOT always equal quality. Having the most members in a party or MU doesn't make them best, it means there could be many dead bodies or multies in the group. How much damage is being done per person in your MU? Having a lot of votes on an article means nothing, except someone paid a lot of currency to buy votes. Look for activity, look for comments, look at how that group is perceived by the general populace. Do your research. Beware of tricks like this, meant to confuse people "just running through" into thinking the biggest is the best choice.

Most importantly: THINK FOR YOURSELF...!

Mike Ontry ~ Tech God Extraordinaire

This just in from Mike Ontry, our country's premiere tech-God and since it is completely obvious that Admin is never going to add an Ignore button Mike has done it for them. I highly recommend that every citizen acquire this script:

"I made you a script to block messages from people.

I don't know how familiar you are with using scripts so here are the steps:

You may have to copy and paste these links because of erepublik...

Install Greasemonkey(firefox) or Tampermonkey(chrome)
greasemonkey: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/
tampermonkey: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo

Go here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/155460
and click install on that page

It's already preloaded with RGR's ID number."

He is hard at work on an additional option to auto report repeat spammers, etc. as well, so consider this BETA.

THANK YOU, Mike, for being one of those rare citizens that hears our cries and rushes to our aid time and again. < 3 X2

Recently I sent a ticket requesting Admin code an Ignore button for those of us who wish to block citizens from PMing us. The following is the reply I receive😛

Johnny B.
On a scale from 1 to 5 rate your level
of satisfaction in regard to this answer
You have voted once for this post! Thank you!

Posted On: 02 Jan 2013 4:04 PM

Thank you for your message. As you know, and have been advised previously, harassment that occurs outside of eRepublik is not under the purview of our ToS. I suggest you report the messages to Facebook.

Regarding in game harassment, please screencap any appropriate PMs and file them in a manual ticket.

Although some scripts may also be against the ToS, you may find the following one useful:http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/155460

Best Regards,
Your eRepublik Team

Fair and Open Primaries?

Well, here we are again; coming up on the 5th of January and Presidential Elections. Once again America has been told who the Unity Candidate will be, they claim that the primaries ran on the Forums are fair and open to the public; I am here to tell you that is Buffalo Biscuit.

Those Forum Primaries are only fair and open to those who are members, are easily tampered with by anyone with Administrator access and open only to ‘Flufferist’. The next thing they will say is, ‘All you have to do is join the forums’; well...I tried joining the FED forum and guess what?

When I returned to the game as Ichabod Adams after being banned -supposedly for having two accounts- I tried to join the FED party and the FED Forums, joining the in game party was easy; however due to ‘technical difficulties’ I was unable to join their forums. Anyone who knows anything about forum software knows that is complete BS.

Our current Presidential ‘Unity Candidate’ is one of the Administrators of the FED Forums so I contacted her and inquired as to why I was being denied access to their forum; the answer I received was ‘technical difficulties’. What she really meant was, ‘Fluffer has demanded that we not allow you on the forums.’

Now she will deny that statement, but I was a part of the conversation and I know what was said; so unless she admits that I was denied access she will be a liar and if she admits she denied me access she will be admitting she is a ‘Flufferist Sock Puppet’.

While telling America how fair and open their primaries are, as the FEDs wrap themselves in the flag, kiss hands and shake babies they deny access to any citizen who stands against the ‘Flufferist’; oh right the ‘Unity Candidate’ isn’t a ‘Flufferist’ -BTW I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you.

'What we do in life echoes in eternity. Strength and honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius

Order of the Black Shamrock
Corporal, 7th Fighter Wing
'Green Lantern Flight'
Unites States Air Force