[Jukebox] Fanax's Flux

Day 1,741, 18:21 Published in Italy United Kingdom by Vajura

Si dice in chat "Non si fa altro che parlare di Fanax! Fanax di qua, Fanax di là!". Eccheppalle! Allora, mi son detto, perché non gli dedichiamo pure una canzone XD?

Tanti anni fa, su Mtv, esisteva un canale che si chiamava Flux. Tutte le persone che seguivano Mtv si ricordano della pubblicità di Flux, era particolarmente suggestiva. QUINDI, ho deciso di farne una versione strappalacrime T4L U_U.

Video Originale di Flux

Video Fanax's Flux (vedetelo a tutto schermo asd)

Mio testo:

Do you know that everything comes from the Fanax?

There was a noob soldier that wanted to be a soldier

and a soldier that wanted to be a captain

…and there was a captain that wanted to evolve in an EI’s officer

…and an EI’s officer that was looking for a new MU

…There was a new MU that wanted to be double

…and there were two MU that wanted to be three

There were soldiers that wanted to be friends

…And friends that wanted to fight against trolls

And there were trolls that wanted to be EI

…and EI that wanted to be killers

…There were killers that wanted to kill Love

…And Love that acted like a noob soldier

And there was a noob soldier… that has become to be the Fanax

Testo originale:

Do you know that everything comes from the source?

There is a drop of water that wants to be a germ
And a germ that wants to be a species
And there is a species that wants to evolve and dominate
And a kingdom that's looking for a king

There is a king that wants to be a star
And a star that wants to be a spaceship

There is a spaceship that wants to settle the sea
And the sea that wants to tag the sky

There is the sky... there is the sky that wants to sing a song
And a song that wants to be a book

There is a book that wants to be loved
And love that wants to be a dream

And there is a dream... that wants to be the source

Grazie T4L. Sono fiero di essere uno di voi. Questi 6 mesi passati con voi sono stati bellissimi mesi di game 😁 Tante q7 a tutti voi e alle vostre famiglie \o/

E adesso passiamo al momento bucolico/scemo dell'articolo U_U:

Yamisuke è andato in America.

Giuseppe_Stan batti la q5 *_*

/m alza una q5 verso Giuseppe_Stan.

Alla prossima XD
