[IDF] Reorganization and This Time for Africa

Day 1,157, 14:46 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

20 January 2011, Day 1,157 of the New World. Developments in your Israeli military have been rapid in some areas and slow in others. Now that we are starting to see requests and suggestions appear in my mailbox and the media, it is about time to update the public and the soldiers on military news.

How to explain this?


This division between the Mobile Branch and the Stationary Branch is now dead. Almost immediately after the rules changed to allow employees, party members, Congress members, and even Presidents to leave their home countries without detriment, the dynamic keeping those two branches separate broke down. The true catalyst was Aluf Beagle Boy’s resignation from the post.

We are using the opportunity to clean the roster of inactive members yet again. What will emerge is a stronger defense force, but it is taking time to accomplish.

I will remain in my role as Commander of eIDF (and Minister of Defense in President P.Knight’s Cabinet). Aluf K0munista, former Commanding Officer of Mobile Branch in addition to filling in various other functions that needed to be done, is now Vice Commander of eIDF. The chain of command below that is still being decided.

The military will have approximately five platoons which report directly to the Vice Commander and Commander. Theses divisions will be primarily created based on strength and language ability. Each platoon will a Seren and will function much like the five platoons of Mobile and three platoons of Stationary did before the reorganization.

As we have to accommodate soldiers who speak English but not Hebrew and those who speak Hebrew but not English, each platoon will use either English or English and Hebrew as its operating language(s). This division is based on practicality and not doctrine; we reserve the right to operate in Russian, Arabic, Polish, Romanian, German, or any language as we see fit.


It is interesting that multiple sources have proposed this idea at about the same time it was being seriously considered in the officer corps. A problem I’ve always seen in eIDF is that it is too easy to get in, which leaves no motivation for staying. Attrition among the new soldiers is high. However, we didn’t really have the manpower and hours to write up an entirely new training regimen.

That is all coming soon. New soldiers will have to learn something about eRepublik rules, history, and eIDF organization (which is changing; see above). The rank of Turai was also recently created to reward the soldiers who remained motivated to stay consistently active.

Soldier Strength

Two sources, one recent and one new, have suggested providing gold to Israeli soldiers so they can use the Napoleon training booster. Obviously this is only going to be an option for trusted, committed soldiers. There are no more details about it at this time, but the military is aware of the suggestions and taking it under advisement.

New Neighbors

Frankly speaking, I am not much in the business of making foreign policy at this point. The introduction of eGypt, Saudi eRabia, and United Arab eMirates is not cause for snap decisions, especially without formal governments in those places yet. The Latin adage si vis pacem, para bellum, which seems ironic to be saying in a country with a Hebrew-speaking population, means "if you wish for peace, prepare for war." Then again, I've always thought that if you wish for war, you should prepare for war. eIDF will therefore prepare for war, which incidentally is what we would be doing even if new countries were not being introduced in our corner of the world, and is pretty much what militaries do.

Total Victory in South Africa

Let’s end the news with some good news. Yesterday, Day 1,156, Israeli forces acted on short notice to deploy to Brazilian regions in Africa. There we assisted South African troops in the liberation of Mpumalanga, North West Province, and Gauteng. The deployment has already concluded in total victory – all three regions were won 8 minibattles to zero. Israeli troops return today to international praise and at least three battle heroes, one campaign hero, and one resistance hero. The South African president called Joe Franco quote “a freak.”

Congratulations to South Africa on their big wins. We are proud to have been a part of that.

CandyKiller is in league with the Devil.