Day 2,687, 04:55 Published in Japan Serbia by Nyx Lynx

It is very easy to not do the right thing.
It is very easy to look away.
It is very easy to pretend to have not noticed something that is clearly wrong.
It is very easy to be selfish and work only for your own self interests.

Or is it…?

Here is the case of a small country, a gorgeous country, a community that has worked hard for years to provide identity to itself in this virtual game.


This community unfortunately is on the verge of extinction, the players have been dealt a hard hand due to the very unjust and unfair dictatorship module brought in by greedy Plato.

How can it be easy to just look away and let this community which is in dire need of any help it can get fade away into oblivionnever to return?

Facts of the case:

1. Switzerland is currently being oppressed by an eRomanian dictator.

2. The MU that is trying to wipe the Swiss community entirely out of the game is called Nemesis.

3. It is known to be backed by some powerful foreign MUs


1. They have stolen from the Swiss treasury that was earned by the Swiss citizens. Years of work snatched away from them just in a matter of few days.

Another transfer that ended up stolen.


2. They are taking away tax money from the Swiss citizens and getting stronger to keep the Swiss oppressed.

3. To add insult to injury, they are now doing a PTO on the nation by making a party in Switzerland and overthrowing every chance they have at democracy.

Click on this -> PTO party

The dictator gets hold of CS passes and can bring in their horde.

Kill a country from outside, kill it from inside, and kill it from every angle you can get. The ruthlessness displayed here is quite appalling.

Imagine if this was your country and had to face such problems. Would you stand it? How would you feel if everyone just looks away when you are getting crushed?

Some of us can’t look away. Hence we started IDA. Enough of this greed, enough of this selfishness.

We will help with whatever we can to protect this community that has been so wronged. Just because Plato makes it legal, should we lose our conscience ?

Ohh I play this game for community I have heard this line uttered so many times by people. Do you really?

Why is the Swiss community fading away so brutally? This game is becoming so hateful, selfish and miserable. Soon there will be no diverse communities left. It is death by elimination.

But, I can see some hope. I can also see some people wanting to help others. Can we all come together and please protect the Swiss community from extinction?

I implore each one of you to have a heart and help this small community that is wanting to fight back.

You can take away their resources, you can take away their community, you can take away their country, and you can take away the game from them. But you can’t take away their spirit or their dignity.

If Nemesis wishes to return Switzerland back to the Swiss, I would welcome such a gesture.

If not, we will make it very costly for them to hold Switzerland. You can’t kill Switzerland so easily, not without a fight.

The following counter-arguments will not be entertaine😛

1. Plato allows it - Stealing is stealing. Should we really make Plato our role model for morality?

2. We worked hard - No you did not 😃 The Swiss citizens have worked for years on Switzerland. You just got it handed on the silver platter, thanks to greed- centered, out-of-the-blue rules of Plato.

3. Survival of the fittestNope. The game has mostly become survival of the filthiest. The fitter, decent, sensible ones mostly have left the game.

It will be a sad affair to see Switzerland die. There are some really nice and friendly people. It would be sad to see them lose everything and leave. They deserve better.

Will you help?

We will set up a day for fighting against the dictator in Switzerland.

We will mainly need two things:

1. Fighters
2. Funds

If you would like to come and fight, please mention it in the comments below.

If you would like to donate, please send it to any of the following profiles: (Donated funds are updated into the IDA spreadsheet for transparency. Thank you generous donors that have already contributed.)

mungos032 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4346268
Obelisk the Tormentor - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2174574

Any help is welcome. It will be an uphill battle since we have to fight not only powerful MUs but also against the money they have stolen from Swiss citizens.

But we shall persevere. Let us show to the e-world that a small country might not necessarily be an easy target all the time.

It doesn’t matter which country you are from. It doesn’t matter which alliance you belong to. Find the courage and stand up against injustice.

Let us fight for Switzerland. Let us fight for community. You will get a sincere thank you from Switzerland and IDA.

Thank you and love,


(Stay proud Switzerland)

PS : You can also contact us directly to help out.
Vote, republish and support!

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Check out this article. It is about a world wide revolution against the dictatorship changes. I fully support it.
