[Franckie4CP] 2. My plans and my governement ! [EN(/FR/NL)]

Day 2,443, 11:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by Franckie18

Dear friends,
This is my second and last article (after this article) about my candidacy for country president. Today, I will explain you my plans and present my government.

Our Minister of Finances will be SX80.
As you can see, eBelgium needs money. We will try to put the import taxes higher to gain more money. This will give the eBelgians players more selling possibilities and more money for eBelgium. We'll also try to get only any MPP's but with active countries like eChile and ePoland.

National Security
This month, our National Security will be Tensa Zangetsu san.
I want to reform the actually immigration system !
Actually, a lot of citizenship requests are accepted without approval. And this is my idea :
Firstly, the immigration officer will make a google poll with all the actually questions. It will look like this :

The answers will be shown on the national forum in a more visible topic then now.(there is no need to change the actually law about immigration for the rest). Once all the immigration procedures will be over, the IO will contact him to let him know that he can request citizenship and a congressman can give him citizenship (if accepted).

If anybody requests citizenship without making the procedure, a congressman will refuse his citizenship request and the IO (or a congressman) will send him a message with the link to the google poll.

Our Minister of Education will be Viridi.
We want to establish again the mentor system. The mentor system is good for the new players ! It help him to understand the game mechanics and stay alive !
Our MoE will also write, complete and update the educational articles.

Our Minister of Defence will be BelgiumGeneral.
There will be not many changes in the defence. Our MoD will write every day the battle orders in an article. eBelgium can't invade other countries because we aren't strong enough. But we'll defend us and our allies if the need is !!!

Home Affairs
Our minister of home affairs will be Mr.Wonka.
There will be not changes in the home affairs, the MoFA will continue to do his job the best he can !

Thanks for reading ! I hope you will make the good choice !

Chers amis,

Comme vous pouvez surement le voir l'article est très long ! Je n'ai donc pas eu le temps de le traduire entièrement. Ceci en est le résumé :

MoF : SX80
MoNS : Tensa Zangetsu san
MoE : Viridi
MoD : BelgiumGeneral
MoFA : Mr.Wonka

Finances : hausse de la taxe d'importartion pour plus de revenus. Seulement des MPP's avec des pays importants
Sécurité Nationale : nouveau système d'immigration avec moins d'illégalité
Education : réinstoration du système de mentor
Defence : 1 article par jour
Intérieur : maintient des activités

N'hésitez pas à me poser des questions si vous voulez plus de précision !

Hallo iedereen,

Zoals jullie het kunnen zien, het engels artiekel is zeer lang. Ik zal dus het belangrijkste vertalen.

MoF : SX80
MoNS : Tensa Zangetsu san
MoE : Viridi
MoD : BelgiumGeneral
MoFA : Mr.Wonka

Finances : hogere import tax en enkele MPP's met belangrijke landen
National Security : nieuwe immigratie systeem met minder illegaliteit
Education : het mentor systeem is terug
Defence : een artiekel per dag
Foreign Affairs : onderhoud van de activiteiten

Aarzel niet om me een vraag te sturen als je meer informatie wilt !