[ESO] Mr Cherry Interview and the Weekly Raffle

Day 2,810, 04:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

Mr Cherry Interview

Mr Cherry is relatively new to the game, but he is a significant figure in ESO and has high activity. He is one person in the UK you probably don't know enough about...

1) Tell us a bit about the real life Mr Cherry.

- I'm Aiden, a 25 year old wannabe music producer from the South of England. A motorcycle fanatic and ex-computer engineer (The customer is NOT always right.)

2) Tell us about yourself ingame.

- I joined in a lame attempt to try and help in a resistance war. I was watching Miausae (my fiancee) and gained a massive interest in the political side of the game.

3) Why do you log into erepublik on a daily basis?

I've said before that if I hadn't of joined ESO then I would have probably stopped logging in shortly after I started but ESO made me feel more welcome than I've ever felt in any group/faction/clan over my 15 years of online gaming. Not only that but I've met nothing but friendly players from all over the eUK/eWorld apart from a select few...

4) Where do you see yourself politically in the future? (Minister of... / PP, CP)

I can see myself heading for CP. I'm not going to rush into it until I feel confident in my ability to run the country but look out for me, I'm learning fast.

5) If you have 3 word to describe yourself what would they be?

- Winning, confident and awESOme! (editor: strong answers.)

Am I the only person who when they see the word 'winning' thinks Charlie Sheen?

6) Favourite animal and why?

Pandas or cats. If you push me for just one answer I'm going to say Pandacat.

The winner of last weeks raffle

Last week our raffle sold 38 tickets. You can check who had what tickets in last weeks article here. I used the random number generator and here are the results:

Congratulations Bob Bloggs on winning, a Q1 house has been sent your way.

How to enter this weeks raffle

(The same as every other week.)

How it works

1) Buy a ticket. Each ticket has a number on it.
2) Wait.
3) A random number generator will be used to generate a number.

If your number is chosen you win the prize.

What is the prize?

Q1 houses should be owned by everyone as anyone that works 7 times a week can make a profit and gains additional energy by having one. A Q1 house allows you 7 extra works a week. If you are earning 50 CC per work that is a weekly earning of 700 CC instead of 350 CC! So to increase awareness of the benefits of houses we will be giving away a Q1 house to the winner.

How much is a ticket?

Each ticket is 5 CC. The reason for this is: 'we want to generate enough money from the raffle to pay for the next weeks prize', but was also: 'we want every single UKer to be able to afford to take part'.

To enter

Send Max Blue 5 CC x how many tickets you want. Endorsements also count. The 25 CC endorse = 5 tickets, the 10 = 2 tickets and the 5 = 1.

Anyone that has me on their friends list and shouts the link to this article also gets a free ticket.