[eNL] Irrational Behaviour

Day 2,610, 08:07 Published in Netherlands Australia by Crypteia

Yesterday Konrad wrote an article about rational behaviour and aversion to lose, and his opinion was well founded. But now, let’s talk about something that not seems rational in our government.

At the moment I’m in the government, so you may think I should agree with everything it does, but that’s not real, I agree in most part, but I don’t think our current immigration policy is correct.

We blame the game is dead, and we also blame our country is dead, and it’s true. We have a small country that couldn't pay great wars and epic campaigns, so, it’s difficult to keep players in our community as active as we want. Now we have an opportunity, an active Portuguese player is willing to join our community, I’m not for nor against about his admission, this is not the main point. What I’m talking about is that we have an opportunity to add value to our community by accepting new members and the argument to not add this value is because we don’t want anyone to join our country. Which kind of an argument is that?

I think it’s not rational to not add value to our community when we have a free opportunity to do it just because we don’t want it or we are afraid about something (or about everything), and this is what is happening nowadays and what seems to happen all this month.

I don’t like to write long articles because I think the best way to reach as much people as possible is with concise ideas, so, this is the main point of my opinion about the immigration issue.