[EN] Who would you believe?

Day 2,318, 21:11 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nerzhu1

[English only]

A complete stranger and outsider claimed to be a true patriot of eMY when the fact was he only wish to spark chaos.


The government who has been doing their best to keep eMY safe from hostile outsider attempt to destroy eMY.  

If you really are a true patriot of eMY then you should have known about the real history of eMY, of what had happened since last year. Unless of course, if you were inactive at the time or chooses not to know.

Here is some facts that you so called "patriot" should have known:
1. eMY faced two period of long wiped session, CroManian era in 2012 (lasted 6 month) and eThai occupation (lasted 10 month)
2. Various effort was made during those two period in an attempt to liberate eMY from foreign invaders, all ended with total defeat and short victory lasted a day max.
3. Many articles were made in the past regarding the situation faced by the government and call for support was made but not everyone (especially you so called patriots) came to help out.
4. The government has made a non aggresion pact with eThai, to restore back our relationship and the result gave us back the ability to fix the tax rate that was previously set too high with the return of congress seat for eMY.
5. A former CP, RL Iranian did stole our 2000 gold from previous national shield tournament, and ran away from the country.
6. However this time, the government make full use of the gold to reward every citizen who had contributed their effort in national shield 2 tournament with the leftover from it safely stored in our org.
7. We were PTOed by Turks, Huns, Serbs, and many more in the past, but at present the turks are attempting to PTO eMY once more.

And now an outsider is attempting to steal all of it again with the help of his friends who had registered under eMY nationality by sparking chaos and lies around, with their turkish party in eMY.

Do not believe in an outsider cause as their goal is not to fight for eMY but for their own selfish needs. If you're really a patriot, support the government and fight along side us against hostile take over that would lead to the destruction of eMY.