[EN] He aint heavy....

Day 3,031, 12:16 Published in Bulgaria Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Just something interesting. I am not a fascist and not a supporter of them or any other political ideology..

Which Mussolini retweeted back in the day apparently its originally by Pliny, Ceasar or the Tibetans(hunch its Ceasar) but then as 1000 days or years as a sheep.

This is just something I picked up in following the US elections(also out of curiosity)

So Trump repeated it and they asked Trump: If you knew it was by Mussolini does it mean you would like to be associated with fascist and Trump sai😛 "No I would like to be associated with interesting quotes"


Bennito also sai😛 "I want to make my own life a masterpiece."

and I dont like the look of that guy about Hitler. And a lot of other things.

But the above pic is what my story is about. As you can see your 5th or 6th or 4th atm unit is Clerics Bulgaria which is essentially 4 players.

But we are also much more essentially having 2 top 100 irish fighters we are the heart of the irish military

We all know that this is a game and that some people has successful baby booms others didnt .

We all know what kind of loose alliances there is against Asteria. This is not about Asteria. I for one think they have the right kind of alliance going on.

Yes some big countries is not fighting against them and not fighting for them.

Being successful is also important and being successful is easier against smaller targets. Just basic maths tbh.

Therefore ireland which can almost be described as fast becoming the smallest nation in the eWorld needs a big brother.

I am not asking for government help but for individual help. I know you have orders and that your mu's stress the importance of fighting in these battles.

Yes we are allies and I guess some day ireland will be top priority?

It just seems with bigger allies that day never really comes. Who wants to fight in battles against 2 smaller nations. Nobody.

its the realities of the game.

but remember this is a game its about a community of different nations. For example did you know although the 3 leafed clover is a sign of luck a 4 leafed clover which is a rarity is considered in their myths and culture as much bigger luck.

We also have a bird pooping on you: (sign of fishing luck confirmed) when i was in high school a bird pooped on me and that night i caught 2 10 pound cobs that was swimming in a school down the river.

Every small nation disappearing means 1 less culture and their customs. Means less players and less player to chat with.

So if you can drop a few millions of damage their way. Dont hesitate. Once we release them most of our damage will anyway drop on Bulgaria.

He aint heavy....