[EDEN] New HQ and EDEN-Poland relations

Day 1,145, 07:06 Published in Poland Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Greetings to all. EDEN has been silent lately about world events, but it is time to fill you in about decisions that have been made between EDEN member countries.

New HQ

A new HQ was elected yesterday in an EDEN summit. By unanimous vote, Avec, a former SC and current President of Finland was elected as the Supreme Commander of EDEN. Formation of a new HQ was applauded upon, and all hopes for restoring EDEN to its former glory goes to them now. An article about changes in EDEN will follow later.

EDEN-Poland relations

Media has been filled with speculations and announcements about recent events between Poland, Hungary and Romania. EDEN has been following the events with concern, and the issue was discussed in summit with all member countries' officials. Poland is part of EDEN Brotherhood, for which we have fought and sacrificed in the past, yet the signed MPP with Hungary, a long-time enemy of every EDEN country contradicted this.

To our relief, in the summit Poland explained their case to the other member countries, and the President of Poland, together with the other government officials agreed to sign MPP with Romania as a gesture of good faith and continued friendly relations with EDEN. Furthermore to show that there is nothing to be worried about, Polish government has promised to send their army to fight against any Hungarian attack against EDEN member countries.

It is both in Poland's and EDEN's interest that Poland remains an EDEN member. In case Poland decides to part ways with the Brotherhood, EDEN won't take any punishing actions and hopes to maintain good relations. Poland has always been regarded as a respected ally and past actions confirm this, therefore we hope the respect remains mutually intact.