[eBE] What's up !!

Day 2,027, 06:44 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Good day eBelgium and good day eWorld,

Before I'll start with the important things let me first wish everyone Happy Birthday who were born on this lovely 8th of June (including me). I hope you have a good day (29°C here)
and that you'll have a great partey.

To the important stuff, after a lot of people asked for more transparency in our government, I decided to give in to your demands and tell you what the government did the last 2 days. Wait a second, why should I do it you know what, Harley will do that for me while I enjoy this nice day.

I wonder who asked for transparency ?

Have fun reading 🙂

Gosh darned, I have to do everything myself again. What a lazy CP we have, well anyway.

What did we do ?

The last 2 days were full of action. Our Country President got the access to the organisations from the responsible person. Unfortunately, he interupted the work of a good friend. BrunoCND had been recording all day some action scenes for his new movie "30 minutes".

BrunoCND with his girls !

The plot, he has to bring the access codes to the Country President of MURICA but some bad Kasalupukimans want to steal the codes for no reason whatsoever but they ofcourse, like every Kasalupukiman have a huge amount of money to their disposal but fail to hire good mercenaries who can actually hit BrunoCND.

Well, let me already spoil the ending. Our hero gets caught, the super smart Villain starts a endless speech about how genius he is. Consequence, Bruno kicks the Villain's ass and achieves to bring the access codes to the President. Add some amazing soundtrack, some explosions to it and there you go, you'll have your movie.

Bruno is cool, cause he doesn't look at explosions

Our Country President then used the most modern technologies to change the passwords, unfortunately he had no cat to put on his keyboard so he had to blindly write the most stupid things. I proposed him to smash his head on the keyboard but the answer was that this was still being developped and would only be used in a few years in order to boost the market sales.

Get your Password naaaoooooooww

Common response from normal people

Our charming prince then moved off to answer some PM from all over the eWorld. He appreciated the Mexican PM as they had sent him some gifts. So without hesistating, he bought the best belgian products around (Chocolate, Waffles and belgian beer) and immediatly went to eMexico introduce himself. Rumours say that the mexican government really appreciated the gifts and that eBelgium is already exporting tons of Chocolate and Waffles to eMexico.

During his journey in eMexico, our CP had to refresh himself

The MoFA team was somewhat busy. tecuvo finished his exams and the whole government congratulated him. So why don't you join us and congratulate him too 🙂
After his last exam and some party he spammed answered to the PM's of some eCountries in order to give them our amazing government ofcourse to boost our ego. (We are so awesome !)

The Ministry of Home Affairs republished the Media Mogul Project in order to reach more people. What is this project all about ? Well it is to provide the citizens a chance to get the Media Mogul medal by subsrcibing to their newspapers 🙂

The Ministry of Defence did the usual things. Inform us where to fight, so that we don't bore us to death. If you haven't realised it yet, our allies need our help so get your butt over there and fight instead of complaining for a war.

Our MoD planning our conquest of the Mars. "We are so close !"

Suprisingly good and active is our Minister of Lazyness. Already 1 + 1 = 2 articles in 2 days is amazing. In order to not overstress himself our CP begged Jofroi to calm down and to take his time. We don't want to hurt our Dictator 🙂

tommot published an article where he looks back at his previous term and what else is there to say that tommot did his job like a pro ! He did it so well that I think he even deserved a promotion.

The invasion of tommot's

Master Sergeant tommot will be away for some time in the future but until then we will hear a lot of him and his Ministry 🙂
For your information, you secret Intelligence Systems are already working on a way to clone tommot 🙂

Before I end this here, let me inform you about some basic things.

Don't forget to ask you Citizen Pack. The free supplies which you get there are a huge help for you ! The Citizen Packs are available for all eBelgian citizens under lvl 30.

And the MoD made a brilliant article explaining you how to save money if you have to fight oustide of eBelgium if we have no MPP battles. So check that out in order to save some MONEY !

I am rich, RICH !!!!!!!!

Next important point: Don't forget to join one of our state Military Units (MU). Especially for young players we suggest ou to join the Awesome Boot Camp (ABC). This MU is focuseed on young players. There you can get extra supplies in order to fight. There you will get help from the commander and some more experienced players. 🙂

I think that's it, enough information for today.

Oh wait I forgot one. If you have any question to our government, there are several ways to contact us. You can
* Contact us by Private message ingame
* Contact us on IRC at #eBE_MoFA
* Contact us on our official forums at http://www.erepbelgium.com/

That's all. I hope you enjoyed and enjoy the nice day and make partey.


Harley Quinn - Spokeswoman
MCKitkat - Country President of eBelgium Jambalaya.

For shouts: What's up ! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2273618/1/20