[eAustria] Dear Slovenia! (Slo/Eng)

Day 924, 10:52 Published in Slovenia Austria by BundesPresseDienst

English Translation
Dragi državljani eSlovenije!

Zadnjih nekaj tednov, se je komunikacija in sodelovanje med eSlovenijo in eAustrijo močno povečal, zlasti na političnem
in vojaškem prizorišču(Poskus PTO-ja,Hrvaška in Poljska okupacija).
V imenu eAustria, se zahvaljujem za vašo pomoč! Hvala, ker ste nam pomagali,ostati neodvisni.

Uspešno smo premagali PTO in sedaj se lahko končno posvetimo naši državi.Eden izmed glavnih ciljev je izboljšati naše odnose z našimi sosedami, zlasti z vami in eNemci.
Zato upam, da bosta naši vladi še naprej dobro sodelovali, tako, da se bo komunikacija in prijateljstvo med našima narodoma še krepilo.

Veselimo se prihodnosti drug ob drugem.
V imenu eAustrijske vlade,
PrinceOfAustria, avstrijski minister za obrambo in minister za migracije

PS: Prosim, pomagajte nam dobiti nazaj naše regije in se borite rdeče v vojni za osvoboditev Tirolske.
PPS: Thanks to Metallon for the translation!

Dear citizen of eSlovenia!

In the last few days and even weeks, the communication and cooperation between eSlovenia and eAustria grew, especially on political terms.
Your country helped us a lot recently, by helping us against the PTO, and by helping us against Croatia.
I would like to say, in the behalf of eAustria, thank you for your help! Thank you for helping us stay independent.

We successfully defeated the PTO now and are finally able to work on our country.
A big goal of ours is to improve the relations to our neighbouring countries, in particular eSlovenia and eGermany.
Therefore I hope our governments will continue to work together, and communication and comradship between our nations will keep improving.

Looking forward to a future side by side,
Speaking officially for the eAustrian government,

PrinceOfAustria, Austrian Minister of Defense & Minister of Migration

PS: Please help getting back our region by fighting red in the resistance war in Tyrol (official orders of your Ministery of Defense).